Life floats as we struggle in life. The first bold step we take can determine how we can reach our goals. It might take us courage to take that step. We build and war destroys what we have built. Discouragement may not be in our mind but our eyes fixed on what we want in life, moves us to go ahead and reach our goal in life because we have decided that it is achievable. The silent voice in us moves us to go in spite of the obstacles. One’s environment can be an obstacle. Cynicism and “can he make it” can lessen the positive force in one, hearing how people make it in life can ginger us to go ahead. Where there is a diversity of thought, one can pick ideas that can lead him to his destiny not minding the discouraging environment and lack of push on from people, you feel you are not alone but the force in you keeps you focused on your life destination and knowing that great men made it in life by conquering the odds. They did not give up. Delay was not in their vocabulary.
They push and push fall and rise, without looking back if any can be of help to us. No! No!! Our help comes from God according to the Psalmist. Living in a culture where “quid pro quo” prevails, may not help us. Other people like women barely survive where the above is the order of the day. An environment charged with mindset never produces people whose minds are not bruised or minds dumped with unhygienic stuff that scatters the Union of mankind. Instead of aiming at being a global citizen, we become urban and localized by the culture of deviance and always glorifying our little group and thinking that there is no group like us. These are obstacles that a man or a woman who wants to win goes through in life. If you want to be discouraged by all these nuances you become a loser. Losers don’t feel comfortable when they do not make it in life. They are tormented with regrets. Even though life is not winwin, you can win if you work hard. Imagine how many black Americans survived in a racist America where the former president was working hard to build a white society, where Trump’s America First was catching up.
Some black guys with a sense of struggle have made it in American society.Football or basketball has enriched many of them. Lebron James; a black basketball player, in spite of his wealth through basketball is not recognized. In his fine house built by the sweat of his labour, an uncultured person put up graffiti on the wall of his home “Niggarr” meaning; black, to discourage him. He felt the pains but said, it is hard to be black in America. The president; Trump never appreciated his struggling to be and make a statement in a white society. He did not mind all their nuances, but he built schools in an American poor state. But for Trump, he was not appreciative to what Lebron has done. But the president’s wife;Melania was impressed by Lebron‘s heroic action, by uplifting the poor in certain part of America. Being rich and excluding the poor is not real wealth.
Science and technology should help to uplift men, especially in the poor countries. Going to the moon and competing with Russia on who have made new scientific stride is not a competition that will help at the time of crisis of refugees, refugees created by war. Syria is an example, Libya is another. Iraq is the most devastating. Afghanistan is the latest! These wars created winners and losers. The advent of Isis might be the result of what we are witnessing. With the incessant banditry and kidnappings going on in the country and news about their sponsorship, the helpless masses stand a chance of losing. We should do everything possible to improve the environment around us for us to have a win-win rather than a win-lose situation.
• Monsignor Livinus Ukah is a Catholic Priest, Author of several books and Social Justice Advocate.