During the course of Mass, we take time to rededicate our Archdiocese, ourselves, our families to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. At this juncture, I know some of you may be wondering why so much emphasis on the Blessed Virgin Mary. I will explain. Mary occupies a very strategic position in the history of humanity because God chose her as the holy vessel through which He gave us His only begotten Son to redeem the whole of humanity. And over the years, the Blessed Virgin Mary has continuously been positively influencing the affairs of humanity, pleading our cause before the throne of grace and calling on humanity to repentance.
Through her intercessions, apparitions, call to repentance and praying of the rosary, we witnessed the breaking down of communism in Russia, Poland and several parts of the Eastern bloc. She also helped to bring an end to the 1st World War which ravaged much of humanity. Even today, as our country is passing through very traumatic times, we are convinced that anything our Blessed Mother asks of Jesus on our behalf will be positively granted to her. Just like Mary instructed the servants at the wedding in Cana to ‘Do whatsoever, he tells you,’ she equally points daily to the instructions of the Lord Jesus Christ who is more than able to wipe away our tears and restore our hopes for a bright future. We are therefore, propelled by faith and animated by the love of Mary to boldly ask God to heal Nigeria.
• Most. Rev. (Dr.) Alfred Adewale Martins, Archbishop of the Metropolitan See of Lagos.