Certainly, there are a number of reasons why the Bible was written. But the most common of them all is to proclaim the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. One more core reason is to highlight the exemplary lives of models of Christianity besides Jesus, and emulate them. Some children have expressed their views herein. BETTY AMUKPO reports.
‘Gives us a historical record of God’s dealings with man’
Why did God give us the Bible? Certainly for a multitude of good reasons. For example: to give us a historical record of God’s dealings with man; to reveal to us much about God Himself and the will of God; to teach about living a holy, God-centered life to tell the inspiring stories of great heroes and heroines of faith; and much, much more.
‘Jesus said, “These are the very Scriptures that testify about me.”
In the book of John 5:39, Jesus said, “You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me.” The Bible was written so that we may have knowledge about God, know about Jesus Christ and understand the Word of God. To know what is right and what is wrong and to help me learn.
‘Without the Bible many people will not believe in God’
The Bible was written to teach us and guide us on our lives here on earth, it also gives us the faith that we need because without the Bible many people will not believe in God and the Bible says in the book of John 1:1-2, “In the beginning was the word and the word was God and the word was with God, so the word of God is God himself and he speaks to his children through the scriptures.”
‘The Bible is the words of God and is the Holy book for all Christians’.
It was written for the following reasons:
1. So that people might believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God.
2. By faith people might receive eternal life in Jesus Christ name.
3. To give us historical record of God dealing with man.
4. To reveal to us a lot so much about God and bringing us closer to him
5 God’s teachings on how we should live a Holy life.
‘For us to know that Jesus Christ is our Saviour and author of eternal life’
Why was the Bible written?
1. The bible was written to give us a historical record of God’s dealings with man.
2. John 20:31…These have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and that believing you will have eternal life.
3. John: 2 Says for us to know that Jesus Christ is our Saviour and author of eternal life for all who will believe.
4. The Bible teaches us words of Praise and Thanksgiving, such as the Psalms.
5. To tell the inspiring stories of great Heroes and heroines of faith.
‘The Bible is God breathed word written to guide human behaviours’
The Bible is God breathed word written to guide human behaviours and for us to have a closer relationship with God. It is also useful in training and correcting in righteousness so that a man of God can be equipped for every good work.
‘The Bible was written to spread the good news of God’
The Bible was written to teach us to be more prayerful and to learn more about Christ and also with the help of the Bible men gain more wisdom and knowledge. It was written to enable us believe in Christ and help build our faith in Christ. Also to spread the good news of God. It was through the Bible that we learn about the coming of Christ and through the Bible we know what is favourable in the sight of God.
‘It is a book of instructions, laws, promises and punishments’
The Bible was written to keep a true record of the works and promises of God. It tells us of things that happened in the past, things that are happening now and things that would occur in the future. It is a book of instructions, laws, promises and punishments. Showing us how to live our lives and teaching us how to follow God.
‘To tell the inspiring stories of great heroes and heroines of faith’
Certainly for a multitude of excellent reasons. Which are:
1. To give us a historical record of God’s dealings with man.
2. To reveal to us much about God Himself and the will of God.
3. To teach about living a holy, God-centered life.
4. To tell the inspiring stories of great heroes and heroines of faith. John 20:31 – These have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.