What does it feel like to clock 60?
You know how far you have gone
when you start seeing grand children
and your social invitations are now for
the Weddings of the children of your
friends not your friends Wedding; hav-
ing to be more conscious of your health
and so on. But despite all this I feel good
and fulfilled.
Would you say life has been kind to
Life has been very kind. All that I have
ever achieved is not by what I planned
but what have been given to me by
Grace. I wish I could give details but let
me summarise. For instance, I didn’t see
a path way to going beyond primary six
so the plan was to go and learn typing
and shorthand. But I ended up going to
the Secondary school and continuing
my formal education purely by Grace.
My plan was to study and certify as a
transport professional working in the
ports, I ended up studying banking and
finance and working with the bank
all by Grace. Recently I was elected
President of CMON in the Archdiocese
of Lagos; an election for which I did not
put my name forward, purely by Grace.
Finally I am presently the Village Head
in my community. I have never aspired
to that, but suddenly the Government
makes a law that made it possible for me
to be crowned, purely by Grace.
Are there much of a difference when
you were 50 and now?
Every day is different from the previ-
ous because we learn something new
each day. We get more experience by the
activities we undertake. Of course the
body tells you the physical difference
as it responds when I still drive it to the
limits I was able to achieve many years
At 60 what are your greatest achieve-
I have offered myself to God as an
instrument in his Hands to be used for
his greater Glory. This means that my
life should be offered for service and my
achievements should be the impact I
have on humanity; ranging from Edu-
cating people, empowering, mentoring
Have I achieved? Posterity is the judge.
Are there things you have done in the
past that you now wish otherwise?
Yes. There are things I would do differ-
ently if I have the opportunity to rewind
and replay.
As an emeritus president of CMO how
would you rate the present executives?
The present Executive is new and are
still settling in. It will be unfair to rate
them now, but they are on the right
The St Joseph Technical institute started
under your tenure. Do you think it will
truly help to curb unemployment in the
society considering the high rate of the
One can not eat an elephant in a day.
The Catholic church has been saving
generations from illiteracy and the im-
pact has been enormous. Has illiteracy
ended? Of course not. That’s the same
spirit driving this. We will do our bit
and take as many youths as possible off
the streets.
How is your daily health regiment?
I walk to Morning Mass as often as
possible, at least 4times a week. I also
walk around in my estate and in both
situations I do at least four kilometres.
I do my medical checks as scheduled
and I don’t take much of alcohol.
Are you considering slowing down on
your workload and social activities?
As long as my strength allows me I will
maintain my current level of activities.
I am not a multimillionaire yet so I still
need to work hard.
What are the major lessons you have so
far learnt from your life experiences?
Life is a learning field where you can
learn more when you are humble. No
position is permanent and no one is
I have also learnt that there’s always a
The kindness of today is a bridge for
tomorrow and the evil of today is a
barrier for tomorrow, so I try to Choose
wisely because the reward or conse-
quences may not fall on me but my
children just I had a good reward early
in life from a stranger due to the positive
effects of my Father’s actions before my