We need to change the way
we all view success or
review our definition of
success in life. Let us stop celebrating
money; adoring and worshipping
the so called billionaires knowing
full well that the sources of wealth of
so many of them are unsearchable.
Let Nigerians start celebrating
those who contribute to the growth
of this nation in their various fields
of endeavours. For instance, let great
writers, doctors, etc be celebrated.
Let the youths see that wealth is not
all about money — after all, knowl-
edge too is wealth. Let them know
that hard work pays, of course a
short cut is a wrong cut.
Let us celebrate those who struggle
to get to the top and stop following
those who suddenly appear, from
nowhere, and tend to entice us with
money. Let our revered religious
leaders teach Godliness, content-
ment and hard work only to their
congregations. Let parents instil
contentment and the fear of God
in their children from cradle. Let
parents sieve thoroughly the songs
their children listen to and their
so called celebs; so many of those
singers are passing wrong messages
to our youths. They fail to let them
know that to amass money they
need to work very hard. They make
our youths have a kind of mad thirst
for money.
Let our community/ traditional
leaders develop fatherly and good
conducts, worthy of emulation. To-
gether, let us do to others what we
would love others do for us and shun
unnecessary competitions among
us. Then we can cry unto God for