The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple is the fourth Joyful Mystery of the Rosary. The event described in the Gospel of Luke 2: 22 – 40, how Mary and Joseph took baby Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem forty days after His birth. To enable Mary complete her ritual purification after childbirth and to perform the redemption of the first born in obedience to the Law of Moses, as stated in Leviticus 12 and Exodus 13: 12:15. BETTY AMUKPO asks, what can we learn from the presentation of Jesus? Some children respond. Excerpts:
‘To be humble and obedient’
The Presentation of our Lord in the temple, according to Jewish custom, occurred forty days after His birth. From the event I learned the following:
1. To be Humble and obedient just like Mary and Joseph who followed the due process of going to the temple to do the needful without giving excuses.
2. There was a kind of epiphany or revelation of the identity of Jesus by the Holy Spirit through Simeon that the child Jesus was the Promised Messiah.
3. Always say the truth just like Simeon was courageous enough to tell Mary the truth about Jesus Christ and also added the phrase about a sword piercing through her heart. Luke 2:22-40

• Promise Anyikaeme
‘Cultivate the spirit of humility and simplicity’
Cultivating the spirit of humility and simplicity goes a long way in our lives. To be humble like Mary is my desire as I grow up. I don’t want to be carried away with pride, the higher I go in life, the humbler I want to be. Mary and Joseph were humble and obeyed God’s command. We have to cultivate the spirit of humility and simplicity in our lives, this will enable us to recognise God’s power, plan, and prepare ourselves spiritually to meet him on the last day. In Luke 2:32, it was prophesied that Jesus would be the light of salvation to all mankind. Mary was so humble to accept all instructions. She presented the baby Jesus in the temple and completed the ritual of purification. My Lord Jesus, help me to be humble and live a simple life like Mary.

• Chima Anita
‘Faithfulness in offering our lives to God’s service’
The Presentation of the Child Jesus teaches me obedience and dedication to God. Mary and Joseph fulfilled the law by presenting Jesus at the temple (Luke 2:22). Simeon’s joy reminds us of God’s promise (Luke 2:25-32). It shows faithfulness in offering our lives to God’s service.

• Ogoke Anthonia
‘Obedience and fulfillment of God’s promises’
From the presentation of the Child Jesus, I learned about obedience and fulfillment of God’s promises. Mary and Joseph followed the Law (Luke 2:22-24) and Simeon recognised Jesus as the Messiah (Luke 2:25-32). This event highlights Jesus’ significance in salvation history (Luke 2:34- 35).

• Arnold Akalezi
‘Importance of family’
The presentation of the Child Jesus teaches us profound lessons about faith, humility, and the importance of family. In Luke 2:22- 35, we see how Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple, fulfilling the Law of Moses. This act shows their obedience and dedication to God. From Simeon’s prophecy, we learned that Jesus is a light for revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of Israel (Luke 2:32). This emphasises that Jesus came for all people, breaking barriers and bringing hope. Additionally, the joy and amazement of those who encountered the Child Jesus highlight the importance of recognising God’s presence in our lives. It reminds us to approach God with childlike faith, trusting in His plans for us. Overall, the presentation of Jesus teaches us to embrace our faith, honour our commitments to God, and recognise the significance of family and community in our spiritual journey.

• Blossom Akalezi
‘Speak the truth like Simeon’
The Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple is a significant event in the Gospel narrative, particularly in Luke 2:22- 38. This passage teaches several important lessons about faith, obedience, and the fulfillment of God’s promises. 1. Obedience to the Law and Faithfulness. Luke 2:22 states, “When the time came for the purification rites required by the Law of Moses, Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord.” The presentation of the child Jesus teaches us to be courageous to speak the truth like Simeon and to be humble like Mary and Joseph who obeyed the law by presenting God to God in the temple Malachi 3:1-4, Ps. 24:7-10, Luke 2:22-40

• Owuamanam Christabel
‘Follow due process’
We must learn from Mary and Joseph to follow due process. Don’t get carried away with pride; the higher you go, the humbler you should be. Allowing Jesus to be born in our hearts by grace, we spiritually become Jesus’ “mother”. With her, we are now able to appear before God, purified and holy in His sight. In presenting Jesus In the temple, Saint Joseph also redeems us by presenting to the father, all who strive to live in union with Jesus. The fourth Joyful Mystery is the presentation of Jesus in the Temple. Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple according to Jewish law and gave him the name Jesus. As an offering, Joseph being a poor man brought two turtle doves for sacrifice. How is Jesus presented in the Bible? In Matthew, He is the King of the Jews. In Mark, He is the Servant. In Luke, He is the Son of man, feeling what you feel. In John, He is the Son of God. The Bible verse for the Presentation of the Child Jesus is from the Holy Gospel according to Luke 2:22-40.

• Sandra Ojimmadu
‘Follow the footsteps of Mary and Joseph’
According to the Gospel, Mary and Joseph took the infant Jesus to the Temple forty days after His birth. We must follow the footsteps of Mary and Joseph, don’t be carried away with pride, the higher you go, the humbler you should be. In every situation, learn to appreciate what you have. We should also allow Jesus to be born in our hearts. Luke 2:39-40 says, “If you want your children to grow strong and wise, remember what Mary and Joseph did anytime you feel that the world is coming to an end. St. Joseph also redeems us by presenting to the father all who strive to live in union with Jesus.

• Francis Umennadi