Each of the seven days of the Holy Week heralding the Easter Sunday, represents the various events that took place over 2,000 years ago, leading to the arrest, crucifixion, and entombment of Jesus Christ and His resurrection. What is the significance of the Holy Week also referred to as ‘Passion Week’? And observances? BETTY AMUKPO puts forward the responses.
‘Spy Wednesday, Judas was planning to betray Jesus’
The seven days of Holy week are: 1. Palm Sunday: Jesus Triumphant entry to Jerusalem. 2. Holy Monday. 3. Holy Tuesday. 4. Spy Wednesday: Judas was planning to betray Jesus. 5. Maundy Thursday: It is Chrism Mass. Three oils are blessed that day. The institution of the Priesthood. In the evening, there is washing of feet, which shows humility and service. 6. Good Friday: Jesus suffered and died for our sins. We pray, fast and abstain from meat. There is no Mass in the Catholic Church. We have Stations of the Cross, and kissing of the Cross. 7. Holy Saturday: People gather to pray with the Priest. We mourn Jesus’ death. In the night, vigil awaiting resurrection of Christ and renewal of our Baptismal vows. Easter Sunday is the day of Resurrection of Jesus.
‘On Holy Saturday, the Church abstains from Mass until after the solemn vigil’
The seven days of the Holy Week are: (1.) Palm Sunday: On Palm Sunday, we gather to sing hosanna in the highest to our Lord Jesus Christ, and the people hold palms in their hands. (2.) Holy Thursday: On Holy Thursday morning, all Priests go to the Holy Cathedral for Chrism Mass. Then in the evening we have the washing of the feet. (3.) Good Friday: We celebrate the passion of the Lord and have the Stations of the Cross. (4.) Holy Saturday: The Church abstains from Mass until after the solemn vigil. (5).Easter Sunday: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
‘Palm Sunday illustrates Jesus’ Triumphant Entry to Jerusalem’
The seven days of Holy week are: 1. Palm Sunday. Triumphant Entry to Jerusalem. 2. Holy Monday. 3. Holy Tuesday. 4. Holy (Spy) Wednesday because Judas planned to betray Jesus. 5. Holy (Maundy) Thursday. Bishop celebrates Chrism Mass. Three oils are blessed. Priests renew their vows. Washing of feet (service). 6. Good Friday. Jesus suffered and died. Prayer, fasting, no meat. No Mass. 7. Holy Saturday. Fire service, renewal of Baptismal vow. Easter Sunday; Resurrection day.
‘During Holy Week Christians reflect on the events leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus’
The seven days of the Holy Week are Palm Sunday, Holy Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. During Holy Week, Christians attend special services which helps them to reflect on the events leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus.
‘Maundy Thursday: Marks Jesus’ institution of the Eucharist at the Last Super’
The seven days of the holy week, its significances and observances are as follow; 1. Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus humble entry into Jerusalem and blessing of palm 2. Holy Monday: Fasting, prayer and almsgiving 3. Holy Tuesday: Fasting, prayer and almsgiving 4. Holy Wednesday: Fasting, prayer and almsgiving 5. Maundy Thursday: Marks Jesus’ institution of the Eucharist at the Last super, central element of Christian worship. Observance is the washing of the feet 6. Good Friday: Commemorates Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross, which is traditionally a day of sorrow, penance and fasting. Observance is the passion drama. 7. Holy Saturday: Is called Easter Vigil, which is the last day of Lent. On this day, the Church has service in place of Mass.
‘Easter Sunday is the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection, according to the Gospels, on the third day after his crucifixion’
Good Friday commemorates Jesus suffering and death on the Cross, it is traditionally a day of sorrow, penance and fasting. Holy Saturday, also called Easter vigil, is the traditional end of Lent. Easter Sunday is the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection, according to the Gospels, on the third day after his crucifixion.