The Catholic Church has four distinct attributes commonly referred to as ‘Four Marks’. Professed each time we recite the Nicene Creed, ‘I believe in One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church’ at Mass, some Catholics still do not know these four simple personality features of the Church also termed four distinctive adjectives of traditional Catholic Christian ecclesiology. It is important for us as Catholics to know and understand the very attributes that define the heart and mission of our faith. Let’s take time to learn and discover how to live out these marks as people of God so that we may be witnesses of the Catholic Church in our world. BETTY AMUKPO engages some children on the four marks. Excerpts.
‘The Church is one; we share the faith and sacraments and are united under the Pope’
The four marks of the Roman Catholic Church are:
The Church is One;
The Church is Holy;
The Church is Catholic;
The Church is Apostolic.
The Church is ONE: How we share the faith and sacraments and are united under the Pope from the teaching of Jesus Christ laid down by the Apostle. “Philippians 1:27, 2:2, Jude 1:3”.
The Church is HOLY, because it was founded by Jesus Christ and teaches Holy doctrine.”Eph: 5:25- 27, husbands love your wives as Jesus love the Church, Revelations 19:5-7.
The Church is CATHOLIC; it means the Church is universal. For all men, at all times, in all places.” Matthew 28:19-20, Galatians 3:28.
The Church is APOSTOLIC, because, it was founded by Jesus who entrusted his authority to the Apostle.”Eph 2:19 – 20. So you Gentiles are not foreigners or strangers any longer, 2 Timothy 2:2.

‘The Church is holy; the Holy Spirit dwells in it and sanctifies its members’
The four marks of the church are:
1. The Church is one: It is because it is in one body under one head, Jesus Christ.
2. The Church is holy: It is because the Holy Spirit dwells in it and sanctifies its members.
3. The Church is Catholic: It is because it is universal, holding earnestly the faith for all time, in all countries, and for all people and is sent to preach the Gospel to the whole world.
4. The church is Apostolic: It is because it continues steadfastly in the apostle’s teachings and fellowship.

‘The four Marks of the Roman Catholic Church are the sources of our Christian faith’
The four Marks of the Roman Catholic Church are the source of our Christian faith and are expressed in the Nicene Creed. These marks are;
The Church is one: This means that it is a single united global Church with the same faith, sacraments and under one pope (Eph 4: 5-6, Gal 3:28, CCC 813-822).
The Church is Holy: It has one source Jesus Christ who is the head (Eph 5:25-27, Rev 19:7-8, CCC 823-829).
The Church is Catholic: Catholic means Universal and supports that the Christian faith is all embracing proclaiming to all people without excluding any part of the faith or any class or group of people (Matt 28:19-20, Rev 5:9-10 CCC 830-856).
The Church is Apostolic: The origins and beliefs of the Church started out with the Apostles at Pentecost (2 Tim 2:2, Eph 2:19-20, CCC 857-865).

‘Catholic; the word ‘Catholic’ literally means ‘universal’
The Four Marks of the Church, also known as the attributes of the Church and they are: One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.
One: the Church is one. This means that it is a single, united and global Church which has its basis in Christ Jesus.
Holy: The Church is holy, because it is the Body of Christ with Jesus as the head. It means that the Church and her sacraments help to make the faithful holy.
Catholic: The word Catholic literally means ‘universal.’ The role of the Church is to spread the Word of God universally across the world.
Apostolic: The origins and beliefs of the Church started out with the apostles at Pentecost.

‘The Catechism notes that the Church is one; as we have in the Holy Trinity’
The four marks of the Catholic Church are:
The Church is One
The Church is Holy
The Church is Catholic
The Church is Apostolic.
The Church is One: The Catechism notes that the Church is one; as we have in the Holy Trinity, a perfect unity of three divine persons. (1 Tim. 1:15).
The Church is Holy: The Church is also holy. Our Lord Himself is the source of all Holiness: Christ sanctifies the Church, and in turn, through Him and with Him, the Church is His agent of sanctification. Through the ministry of the Church and the power of the Holy Spirit, our Lord pours forth abundant graces. (1 Tim. 1:15).
The Church is Catholic: The Church is indeed Catholic in that Christ is universally present in the Church and that He has commissioned the Church to evangelize the world – “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19). “Catholic” means “universal.”
The Church is Apostolic: Christ founded the Church and entrusted His authority to His apostles, the first bishops. He entrusted a special authority to St. Peter, the first Pope and Bishop of Rome, to act as His vicar here on earth. This authority has been handed down through the Sacrament of Holy Orders in what we call Apostolic succession from bishop to bishop, and then by extension to Priests and Deacons. The Church is also apostolic in that the deposit of faith found in both Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition was preserved, taught, and handed on by the apostles. (John 6:70). (Heb. 5:4).

‘Church is Holy because it is the Body of Christ with Jesus as the head’
The four marks of Roman Catholic Church are: One or Unity, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.
1. One or Unity: This means that Roman Catholic Church is Single, United and Global Church which has its basis in CHRIST JESUS.
2 Holy: It means the Church is Holy because it is the BODY of CHRIST with JESUS as the head and by receiving the SACRAMENTS keeps the faithful Holy.
3. Catholic: It was derived from the Greek word (KATHOLIKOS) which means UNIVERSAL or GENERAL.
4. Apostolic: Means belonging or relating to the early followers of JESUS CHRIST and to their teaching as our Pope is the Leader of the Roman Catholic Church.

‘It is Apostolic: Origin is with the Apostles at Pentecost’
The Four Marks of the Catholic Church are:
1. It is One: The Church is one and united
2. It is Holy: It is the Body of Christ, Jesus is the head
3. It is Catholic: The Church is Universal
4. It is Apostolic: Origin is with the Apostles at Pentecost. We profess them at Mass: I believe in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

‘The Church is built on the practices of the Apostles’
The Four Marks of the Roman Catholic Church
The Church is one: The Church is the same everywhere
The Church is Holy: The church was founded by Jesus
The Church is Catholic: The church is universal
The Church is Apostolic: The Church is built on the practices of the Apostles

‘The Church’s mission is universal’
Marks of the Catholic Church as expressed in the creed’:’
Oneness: The Church is united, sharing the same faith and sacrament. Holy: The Church is founded by Jesus and teaches holy doctrine
Apostolic: The Church practices are from Jesus to the apostles to the bishop Catholic: The Church’s mission is universal