Looking back, 2024 was a year many Nigerians would wish to forget in a hurry, but because of its place in history and how it impacted on the lives of the people, issues surrounding the outgone year will continue to surface in the public space, and for a very long time. Besides, we devoted ample time on this column and severally admonished those in authority on the need for purposeful leadership and people-oriented programmes to address the imbalance always complained about, and lamented all through the year by the people.
Prominent among the issues the people contended with last year were; high cost of fuel and diesel, exchange rate of the naira, cost of food items, hunger, cost of medication and drugs, banditry, kidnapping, terrorism, corruption, unemployment, etc. While it is needless to dwell on such issues, it is pertinent to reiterate that, it was a year that challenged both the leaders and the led, such that, many Nigerians (those who could afford it), said goodbye to the country, even to worst places in the world just to escape hunger and deprivation. Reasons many of them gave was the problem of economy and inconsistent policies that eroded the economic powers of the people who practically became beggars in their own land. That we are in a brand new year, 2025 is clearly a thing to celebrate.
This means that a new chapter has opened, especially for those who chart the course of governance in our dear country, and also for the generality of the people who are hoping for the best in the New Year. Nigerians are looking forward to complete turnaround of things. The sad experience of last year whereby everyone, without exception, complained about lack and sufferings must not be imagined in the New Year at all. This is the time for government to demonstrate those genuine intentions it promised to the people. One year seven months is enough for any government to settle down for quality governance and proper policy implementation. Experimentation period, to say the least, should be over by now if at all the government is determined to right the wrongs of the past.
This is necessary, because the gain government appears to have made in the area of insecurity to be precise, may appear as a smoke screen given the recent onslaught of Boko Haram in Borno and Zamfara States, unfortunately. Besides, making Nigeria investments destination for other countries which the federal government promised it’s committed to, sincerely, may be unattainable if the state of insecurity remains what it is today. Whether the insecurity in Nigeria is sponsored by foreigners or locals, as alleged by the Chief of the Army Staff, what is paramount is for the government to completely stamp out insecurity in the country which is necessary to advance economic growth and social interactions of the people.
…On the Jubilee Year celebration, the message of hope
Thankfully, in this year of hope, the Jubilee year, Pope Francis prayed for Christians all over the world to be renewed in hope. The Holy Father once again reminded the Churches throughout the world on the importance of hope in our daily lives. He emphasised the need for all Christians to have hope and in all things, stating that in the heart of each person, hope dwells. ”Everyone knows what is hope. In the heart of each person, hope dwells as the desire and expectation of good things to come, despite our not knowing what the future will bring”.
The Jubilee year the Pontiff pointed, is an opportunity for us to be renewed and cherish the beauty of creation we see in our Christian journey which he says is necessary to inspire us to praise and thank God for His wondrous works. The Holy Father also prayed that during the Holy year, ” the light of Christian hope might illumine every man and woman, as a message of God’s love addressed to all, and that the Church might bear faithful witness to this message in every part of the world”. Reading the ”signs of the time, Pope Francis noted the desire for peace in a world increasingly marked by violence and conflict, and the loss of desire to have children, with many countries facing a demographic winter”.
While urging that hope be offered to the sick, to the young, elderly, grandparents, to migrants and to the poor, the Holy Father also pointed that the fruits of the earth are intended for all. He called on the rich nations to forgive the debts of countries that will never be able to repay them. It is not a coincidence that this message of hope is coming at this time of the year, the year of Jubilee celebration, surprisingly. Reason being that, God in His wisdom arranged times and seasons for His own glory. Nigeria as a country needs full dose of hope, especially at this time.
We also need purposeful leadership in the New Year. This is the time to get the buy-in of all Nigerians by pursuing people oriented policies through deliberate programmes that would alleviate the sufferings of the people and right the wrongs of the past, caused by mindless politicians. While we hope for the best in the New Year and beyond, it is imperative we learn from where we are coming from if we must march forward in the New Year.