One of the visible
signs of a growing
mega city such as
Lagos is the large
number of vehicular
movement experienced all through
the days, including weekends. To
militate against this, forward-look-
ing and creative governments, with
input from urban town planners
and engineers, strive to maintain
the roads as at when due, expand
narrow networks, where possible,
and create alternate routes that
would ensure smooth flow of vehi-
cles, even at peak hours.
Transportation, it is well known, is
very germane to the socio-econom-
ic development of any city. With
good road networks, commercial
activities would thrive better as
people would be able to honour
their appointments as at when
due. Lagos as a bolstering city is
bedevilled with numerous challeng-
es some of which are over popula-
tion, inadequate housing, coupled
with poor and over-stretched road
networks in the nooks and crannies
of the state. Unfortunately, succes-
sive government have not been able
to profer a working solution to the
poor transportation network.
In view of the evolving world of
technology, and desirous of en-
hancing their productivity multina-
tional and corporate organizations
are daily appraising and exploring
more innovative ways of enhancing
their productivity and work place
culture. One of such means is the
introduction of virtual workplaces.
These are network of several work-
places technologically connected
(via a private network or the Inter-
net) without regard to geographic
boundaries. Such have a number of
benefits such as increased produc-
tivity, room for growth, expansion
of talent pool, happier and loyal
staff, reduced over head cost of
running business, collaboration
and data sharing, amongst others.
However, any corporate organiza-
tion desirous of doing this must
take the following into cognizance:
Keep roles clearly defined, establish
workflows and other processes, put
in place ground rules of operations,
amongst several others which can
be provided by experts.
A cosmopolitan city such as Lagos
sure has a lot to benefit from the in-
troduction of virtual work place in
both the private and public sector.
People need not necessarily move
from one places to another for busi-
ness, except it becomes very essen-
tial. This will help reduce the high
number of vehicles plying the roads
on daily basis. Some discerning
individuals and corporate bodies in
the state have already embraced this
practice with positive outcomes to
show for it.
While it is true that the practice
of going to office on daily basis has
always been part of us, the techno-
logical wind of change is blowing
rapidly in all directions. The future
is here with us. It is time we wake
up to this fact and explore better
and smarter ways of getting things
done without endangering our
health and mental wellbeing.