Trump’s lack of political indebtedness has caused and still causing a divide in America. Many Nigerians have passion for American politics but their hope is fading because of what is happening right now. American politics is polarized. There is no breathing space to know what is happening in American politics. Since Trump defeated Hilary Clinton, American democracy has not breathed well. Trump is seen as a Hitler in the white house and if you are not on the same political wavelength with him, you will not last long in his cabinet. He instills terror in the white house. Those who work with him have mastered him and they know what to say to massage his ego.
The white house is not for those who have personal opinion to contribute to the development of the country. Trump is the only opinion. There are people who have left the white house because of their alienation and their inability to help shape their country. Many of them left on their own with frustration while some were dismissed byTrump. There is about 68 staff that have either left on their own or fired by Trump. He is allergic to people who are not his praise singers. Many have mastered him that is why they remain in the white house and have become politically irrelevant. We must not forget how Trump came into American politics through his slogan “America first” and people did not know that he did not want to represent them in the international Politics. America is the largest economy and the leader of the whole world but trump prefers “America first.” Trump does not want to assume his role as a leader of the democratic world.
Even at world leaders’ meeting, he appears indifferent and criticizes the organizations that have been useful to the world. In his first meeting he said that NATO is obsolete and told world leaders that Putin should be included in their meetings. Past American leaders did not compromise with American democracy but since Trump assumed power, American democracy has been in turmoil. Trump has introduced a divide in American democracy.He could not work with the allies. He champions racism, white supremacist and all kinds of local discriminatory groups. He indoctrinates the youths. All these nuances manifested in the election. When the Democrats nominated Biden as their presidential flag bearer, Trump was not comfortable.
He started shouting electoral fraud from the outset. He never believed the election would be free without fraud. He picked holes at the Mail-invoting method. He was frightened and put his men all around to make sure that things were done to satisfy him. In spite of that, at the corner of his mind, he was haunted by electoral malpractices. He had fixed his mind on states he would win but it didn’t happen as he planned. It was a rude shock to him when he found out that he couldn’t win the places he had projected victory. With his inner circle he began to foment troubles when it was visibly seen that Biden has taken the stage.Up till now, Trump could not believe it. He has been delaying to concede defeat and allow Biden to plan his transition.
The whole world is waiting. Biden has a heavy load to carry. Many people believe that he would make it because of his wide experience, connections, tolerance of people and group that would work with him. Opinions are now diversified between Trump’s and Biden’s supporters. Each has given reasons for their loyalty and support. Everything is all about time which would surely come. Trump’s attitude to politics resembles the one of the third world where leaders do not give up power until it ends in war. The US election and Trump’s behaviour has given the crooked leaders of developing nations some sorts of justifications for their bizarre political behaviours.
Many are already saying “if this type of Trump’s style of politics could play out in almighty America then if same happens in Nigeria it shouldn’t raise any eye brow”. Trump’s era brought another form of government and almost made the United States of America to lose her reputation as a country that welcomes people that can add value to the economy. Trump’s “America first” socio-political construct was highly polarizing, brought diplomatic rows which caused enmity between the USA and other countries. Trump was quick to curse and utter belittling remarks against third world nations and their leaders. He called third world countries Shit-holes and imposed various travel restrictions on them. He is anti-migration.
Even though people argued that Nigeria deserved all the insults, it wasn’t diplomatic for a President of a respected country to act in such manner. Trump used religion as a cover-up to achieve his political goal. A good leader should eliminate discriminatory policies that affect religion, tribe or race which can cause a great divide in a society. True leadership shuns racism, tribalism, nepotism, religious fanaticism and favouritism to ensure that everyone is carried along in National development. Bringing the scenario back to Nigeria, some political critics have sometimes tried to mischievously compare President Trump and President Buhari in policy making and also tried to draw out some similarities in the area of divisiveness but they ended up giving a little pass mark to Trump.
They expected Trump to be a President to be emulated by other presidents of the developing Nations in Africa but he was not representing well in many areas. He is not predictable Despite the outlined shortcomings of Trump and the awaiting of the “New political Messiah; Biden” many are trying to draw inference to the current political situation of Nigeria after Jonathan. They are asking whether America would not witness another wave of “Change” the Nigerian ruling party promised us after wooing us with their power to defeat Boko Haram, create employment, stabilize electricity etc. which we have been experiencing the reverse now.
With Biden’s coming in America, many are hopeful that America would be taken back to its former political glory because he is flexible. This was shown by the outpouring of felicitations from EU and other world organizations to Biden. Trump was interested in American economy rather than the rise of the pandemic in America. It was said that he didn’t meet or consult the CDC for five months. This is typically a sign of neglect! Biden is not waiting. He has formed his own taskforce and it seems he is ready to work with Fauci to save the Americans. With the emergence of Biden he will repair the relationships that Trump left in disdain. Good policies made by Obama but rejected by Trump will resurface again e.g. Iran’s nuclear deal, unrestricted travels etc.
Trump has a natural aversion for anything Obama. This was manifested when he tried to destroy the Obama Care without getting a substitute for it during the four years of his Administration. Trump should know that an un-reflected life is not worth living. Whatever Biden wants to do, he should do it quickly to save American’s lives first. All eyes are on him now. The Republicans operate in fear and respond in fear to what Trump is saying. This is the hemorrhage of the situation. As we expect better days for America, our leaders should also endeavor to turn the fortune of our own country around to avoid massive brain drain that has plagued our Nation.