“My little children, for whom I am again in the pain of childbirth until Christ be formed in you” (Gal. 4:19). These were the indelibly inscribed heartfelt prayers and actions of St. Paul, one of the greatapostles of the biblicalera. He knew the importance of caring, nurturing, disciplining and maturing the youths of his days. No wonder his ministry, and the Church after his demise was strong, straightened and strengthened in the work and word of God. Vibrant young men such as Timothy, Silas, Onesimuset al., were protégés in his academy,who later became pillars, pastors and preachers of the word of God. The place of the youth in the society at large and in the growth and development of the Church to be specific cannot be overemphasized. Youths generally are the foundation for adulthood. This is because no adult can ever deny being a youth at a time in his life. The irony of life is such that man is to live temporarily, and the traditions, value systems, cultures among others by which man lives must be transmitted for continuity to his offsprings.
Specifically, this transformation, continuity and sustainability is only realizable through the youths of the society who are believed to have gone through the process of socialization. Hence, the more reason why they occupy a pride a place in the Church. It therefore goes without saying that to salvage the fate of the Church as against running the risk of putting the future of the Church into jeopardy, and to keep and sustain the faith of the Church, the youths must be properly given due attention. The role of the pastor or shepherd of those in this regard becomes a frontier in the pastoral care and life of the Church as pertaining to the youths. Who is the Youth? Who is the Pastor? Who is the Church? How does the Pastor care for the Church? What pastoral approaches, dimensions or guides must he adopt in helping the youths become leaders of the Church of tomorrow? What salient issues must the pastor pay attention to in the discharge of his duties as pertaining to the youths? How do we secure the future of the youths in the life of the Church tomorrow? Of what essence is the active involvement of the youths in the life of the Church? These among many other issues this article intends to address.
Who is the Youth?
The United Nations and World Bank statistical purposes define“youth” as those persons between the ages of 15 and 24 years, without prejudice to other definitions by Member States. However, apart from the statistical definition, the meaning of the term “youth” varies in different societies in the world . The African Youth charter defines “youth” as “every person between the ages of 15 and 35 years ”. The Church identifies youths as “those Catholics who are still in the youthful stage according to any of the above acceptable parameters of measure ”.The Church in Nigeria distinguishes the youths by their membership of the CYON . Youths are the most important set up of any organization, making up about 65% of the world’s population.In the words of Pope Francis,“youths are focused on the future and they face life with energy and enthusiasm .”
Who is the Pastor?
The pastor, according to Marriam Webster’s dictionary is “a clergyperson serving a local church or parish. ” It is derived from the Latin word pastormeaning shepherd . In this work, we shall consider or define a pastor as an ordained minister in the Church: the Catholic Church. A pastor is an ordained servant of the word. He breaks the word to the people that they may understand and come to know God, their Maker. The primary role of the pastor is “to feed my sheep” (Cf. John 21:17); to feed and lead the flock of God. The feeding here implies sound doctrine thathelps in the spiritual upliftment of the soul. The pastorinstructs the people and admonishes them as beloved sons, according to the words of the apostle: “be urgent in season, out of season, reprove, entreat, rebuke in all patience and doctrine” (2 Tim. 7:2). He acts as a mediator between God and His people.
The priest is a pastor of souls whose duty is to preach the gospel, teach sound doctrine, offer sacrifices and forgive sins .The priestly vocation is thus in its very essence a vocation of an educator and its particular domain is the spiritual life, the life of friendship with God.Among the numerous forms which the ministries of the priests might take, the youth occupy an important place since they represent the future of a community, of a people, of the Church.Pastors must care for them by transmitting to them the knowledge of the faith and teaching them to live it out to the fullest. They should equally be taught to grow with it and then transmit it to the coming generation.
Who is the Church?
The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines the Church as the people of God . Etymologically, it is derived from the Greek word εκκλησία meaning an “assembly”of God’s people. The document further states that one becomes a “member” of this people not by physical birth but through baptism, and this whole people participates in the three offices of Christ (priestly, prophetic and kingly) and bears responsibilities for mission and service that flows from them . Youths occupy a very large portion of every Church’s populace. They occupy a pride of place in the Church. As a matter of fact, in the words of Pope Francis, youths are “the Church of now, not tomorrow ”.
The Necessity of Pastoral Care of Youth
With little or no controversy, youths have been given preferential treatment in some careers and professions, as the global market has made it their most prioritized effort to train the youths in all spheres to make them the present future. The entertainment industry, secular world, educational sector, to mention but a few have over the years, put in concerted efforts, and still putting in efforts to care for their future. Why then should the church be left out? Why should the church fold her hands and wait for a miracle from heaven? If the church fails to care for the youth, we are building an empire that is destined for doom.
A Quick Reminder: Prophet Eli, a priest from the lineage of Aaron and the genealogy of the Levites refused to train his sons in the way of the Lord, as qualified successors of his priestly office. He was a weakling, whose non- challant, timid and disdainful style of leadership spelt God’s doom,anger,and wrath upon the nation of Israel, his past ancestral (God removing the covenanted priesthood ),his present -immediate family ( his scripted death and that of his sons), and the future, emphatically spelling Ichabod- the departed glory in Israel. The Sacred Scripture says “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. “The place of pastoral care for the youth, who are the future of the church cannot be neglected as instructed in this verse. YOUTHS are the Young Opulent Umpires and Transforming Hopefuls of the present and future church, and must be taken care of for the Church not to become the world. How then can the present day church care for her future?
This can be unraveled in the Key words – Pastoral Care. P-Preach to them the Living Word of God and prioritize their maturity ; A-Admonish them to walk in the ways and will of God ; S-Strengthen the feeble ones ; T-Teach and Train them to be Future leaders ; O-Openly embrace them when they err ; R-Reach out to them and Respect their opinion ; A-Accommodate their exuberance and Apply fatherly counsel and guidance ; L-Love them unconditionally ; C-Cherish and Care for their needs ; A-Accept their weaknesses, do not abhor them ; R-Render hope and hospitality ; E-Expand unto them the ancient landmarks, andexalt them to follow the way that their fathers have trod. Until the Church comes to the daunting reality that the youth is the Church, and begin to make concise and precise efforts to care for their spiritual, physical, mental, social, academic and financial needs, the Church would be wiped off. Peter, the chief among the apostles wrote to fathers in the church , but permit me as I write unto priests who are pastors of souls that “take care of the flock over which the Lord has made you pastors, and feed them, because they will one day stand in that position to feed the Church”.
In conclusion, Paul in one of his prison epistles, towards the climax of his ministry admonished young Timothy, and in extension to the entire Church saying “and what you have heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be able to teach others as well” (2 Tim. 2:2).This is enough to spur the church leadership into action. The everyday mandate of the Church should plug into one of apostle Paul’s final words, “Be imitators of me as I am of Christ” (1 Cor. 11:1). This was a timely yet tasking, tender yet transforming admonition to everyone named a pastor to raise young men who would take up the mantle of leadership after they have gone, doing the work of Christ, and guiding the ship of the Church to the promisedland. The future of our Church lies in the hands of the Youths. Care for them!!!
• Brother Patrick Akotonayon is Seminarian of the Catholic Archdiocese of Lagos.