The fourth Sunday of Easter known as Good Shepherd Sunday, also referred to as Vocations Sunday is here again. The 4-paragraph gospel of this Sunday illustrates a perfect time to pray for our priests, bishops and all those who shepherd the Lord’s flock. It also presents an annual ecclesiastical opportunity for the lay faithful to assess their respective roles as good shepherds to those in their care. The Good Shepherd Sunday means much more to both the religious and secular worlds. BETTY AMUKPO speaks to some Catholic children in this perspective.
‘Lord Jesus is the Good Shepherd’
We were taught that our Lord Jesus is the Good Shepherd, who takes care of us His followers like His sheep. We are therefore, advised to do good to ourselves in line with His teaching to us by loving God and loving one another as God loves us so, that we can follow His good ways leading us to God in heaven. Good shepherd Sunday is the day the Church make contributions and help seminaries to train seminarians and help those on mission.
A good Shepherd must be ready to die for his sheep as in the Bible’
Firstly, who is a Good Shepherd? A good Shepherd cares for his sheep and lays good examples to his followers. Christ is a good Shepherd, for example, He died for our sins. In the reading of the gospel of St. John, Jesus is the symbols of Christ as a Shepherd, He leads His sheep, His sheep here is the faithful, He lays down his life for us, the sheep. He knows His sheep and the sheep knows Him. It symbolizes that He lays down His life for us sinners to have everlasting life. A Good Shepherd shows a good examples. A good Shepherd must be ready to die for his sheep as in the Bible where the Shepherd went after his missing sheep and left others, he went and looked for his one sheep that got missing. That is a good Shepherd. He must know his sheep and the sheep knows him. We are His sheep and must be ready to know Him as our creator in Christ Jesus.
‘The Good Shepherd Sunday is a time for us to look at ourselves and how we have cared for those in our care’
Christ is the good Shepherd in the Bible. It symbolizes the vocation to the Priesthood and Religious. It is a time to pray for our Priests, Religious and those who want to work in God’s vineyard. The Good Shepherd Sunday is a time for us to look at ourselves and how we have cared for those in our care. It is a time to reflect because we hold different positions. Parents are Shepherds in their homes and should learn from Christ the greatest Shepherd of all
‘It symbolizes the unfailing love Jesus has for us’
Jesus is the good Shepard who loves His sheep and protects them against the snares of the evil clutches. It symbolizes the unfailing love Jesus has for us when he gave His church so we could know what is good for us and He protects us from being ruined by the devil by giving us His grace of the sacrament. And also when He died on the cross for our sins so we all can go to heaven. Its significance is that we are saved and no harm shall befall us. How blessed we are to have such a loving Shepherd.
‘The Good Shepherd Sunday reminds us that Christ is our saviour’
Jesus is the good shepherd. The symbolism of Christ as a shepherd comes directly from the Gospel of John in which Christ is leading the faithful and will lay down his life for the sheep, or those who are faithful to him. The reason for Good Shepherd Sunday is to remind us that Christ is our saviour.
‘A Good Shepherd signifies a good and caring leader’
Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd in the Bible. A Good Shepherd symbolize a good leader who takes care of his sheep or people. A Good Shepherd signifies a good and caring leader. The reason of Good Shepherd Sunday shows that Jesus loves and cares for us.
‘Good Shepherd Sunday is a vocational Sunday, we pray for all the priests and seminarians’
The good Shepherd in the Bible is Jesus. The Good Shepherd symbolises Christ leading the faithful and laying down His life for the sheep, or those who are faithful to him. The Good Shepherd Sunday is a vocational Sunday, a day we pray for all the priests and seminarians, and also for more devout men to hear the call to the priesthood. We pray for vocations to the priesthood and the religious life.
‘It symbolize that Christ is leading the faithful and will lay down his Life for the sheep’
Jesus is the good Shepherd. In the book of John, it symbolize that Christ is leading the faithful, those who keeps the word of God and will lay down his Life for them. The reason for good Shepherd Sunday is to remind us that Christ is our saviour.