The sins that cry to heaven for vengeance also referred to as ‘screaming sins’ are four particularly serious mortal sins. Specific instances are listed by the Bible where the victims cried to heaven for vengeance. BETTY AMUKPO interrogates some children on these sins. Excerpts.
The four sins that cry to heaven are:
1. The blood of Abel: The Lord said to Cain…… the voice of thy brother’s blood crieth to me from earth.
2. The sin of the Sodomites: Who gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion.
3. The cry of the oppression in Egypt: The cry of the foreigner, the widow, the orphan and the oppression of the poor.
4. The ‘Injustice to the wage earner’: Taking advantage of, and defrauding workers.

‘The sin of taking advantage of one’s workers and defrauding them’
The four sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance are:
1. The “blood of Abel” Genesis 18:20–21. Genesis 4:10 which illustrates the sin of homicide, infanticide, fratricide, patricide, and matricide.
2. The ‘Sin of the Sodomites” which signifies non-procreative sexual acts (sodomy). Like sexual relationship between two people of the same gender. Jude 1:7.
3. The ‘Cry of the people oppressed in Egypt, the cry of the foreigner, the widow, and the orphan’. This stands for the sin of oppression of the poor. Exodus 22:21–23
4. The ‘Injustice to the wage earner’. This means the sin of taking advantage of one’s workers and defrauding them. James 5:4 Deuteronomy 24:14–15.

‘Willful murder’
The four sins that are said to cry to God for vengeance are as follows:
• Willful murder;
• The sin of sodomy;
• Oppression of the poor – the orphans, the widows;
• Defrauding labourers of their wages.
These sins are said to cry to God for vengeance because the Holy Ghost says so, and because their iniquity is so great and so manifest that it provokes God to punish them with the severest chastisements. Gen 4:10; Gen 18:20; 19:13; Ex 3:7- 10; and Ex 20:20-22.

‘The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah’
These sins are the most serious transgressions and are sins against the law of Christ. They are mortal sins. 1. The killing of Abel by his brother Cain because God received Abel offering and rejected Cain’s offering. As a result of this Cain killed his brother Abel and his blood cried to God for vengeance “Gen 4:10 ” God placed a curse on him.
2. The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah. They indulged in sexual immorality, perversion and refused to listen to the word of God. The people of Sodom were wicked.”Gen 13:12- 13, 18:20, 19:5-13 and Jude 1:7″
3. The cry of the oppressed in Egypt. The cry of the foreigners, the widow and orphan. Oppression of the poor. “Ezekiel 16:49-50, Exodus 14:26-28.”
4.The sin of injustice to wage. Employers taking advantage of workers; not paying wages to workers after their work; oppressing them because they cannot help themselves. Their cries went to God. “James 5:4; Deuteronomy 24:14-15.” We must be careful not to offend God in order not to attract God’s punishment. We should not be proud, arrogant, and greedy. God be with us all.

‘God said to Cain that his brother’s blood from the ground is crying out for revenge’
1. Murder: ln Genesis 4:10, God said to Cain that his brother’s blood from the ground is crying out for revenge.
2. The sin of Sodom: ln Genesis 18:20-21, the Lord said that the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sins are so grievous .ln Ezekiel 16; 49-50, they were arrogant, overfed and failed to help the poor and the needy. In (Jude 1:7) they engaged in sexual immorality.
3. Oppression of the poor, especially widows and orphans: In Exodus 22:22-23, God said that we should not take advantage of the widow or the fatherless, if we do and they cry out to God. God will certainly hear their cry.
4 Defrauding workers of their wages: In Deuteronomy 24; 14-15) The Lord is still saying that we are guilty of their sins if we refuse to pay them their wages.

‘Shedding of innocent blood including abortion’
1. Murder: shedding of innocent blood and this includes abortion. Gen 4:10
2. Sodomy: Sexual immorality, especially that not leading to procreation, and perversion. Gen 18:20-21, Jude 1:7.
3. Oppression of the poor: Especially widows and the orphans. Exodus 22:22-23; Exodus 2:24
4. Defrauding/injustice: To labourers/workers by not paying them their wages. Deut 24:14-15, James 5:4

The Lord said, ‘Listen, your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground’
The four sins crying out to heaven are really very serious sins thus they cry out to God in heaven for vengeance. 1. The sin of Murder 2. The sin of Sodom 3. Oppression of the Poor, especially Widows and Orphans 4. Defrauding workers of their wages.
1. Murder: This is killing and it’s based on what God said to Cain after he killed his brother Abel. “The Lord said’ what have you done? Listen,your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground”
2. The sin of Sodom: This is what God said regarding the ancient city of Sodom.They were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned about the welfare of the poor and also did awful and detestable things before God.
3.Oppression of the poor, especially the widows and orphans: Evidence of this can be found twice in the book of Exodus. ”Do not take advantage of the widows and fatherless, if you do and they cry out to me, I will certainly hear their cry.Ex22.22-23. Also “The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out and their cry for help was heard because of their slavery anguish went up to God.Ex 2.24.
4. Defrauding workers of their wages: It is said that the sweat of a worker should not dry on his body before his wages are paid. This can be found in both the Old and New Testament. Deut:24.14-15 and James 5:4. God has said it in His book and we have heard and read it; we should not be found wanting in any way.