Succumbing to the whims of bandits and kidnappers might save the abductee’s life but comes at the cost of rewarding criminality as well as promoting banditry and kidnapping. Even though the federal government has ruled out payment of ransom and has outrightly denied offering it, some people still take this claim with a pinch of salt. Lately, the issue of government paying ransom has dominated the media space. Should government pay ransom to bandits? BARBARA NEGBEJIE asks. Excerpts.
‘These funds should rather be channeled into beefing up security apparatus’
I believe that the Government, by paying ransom to bandits are empowering them to do more. These funds should rather be channeled into beefing up our security apparatus, so that such occurrences would reduce and end. We have become so comfortable with bargaining with terrorists, bandits, kidnappers, killer Herdsmen and the like, and this keeps on emboldening criminal elements.

‘Government should use tactical force to locate these bandits and bring them to justice’
No! Government shouldn’t pay ransom to bandits. Government in no way is not supposed to negotiate with bandits. It is the right of the government to use tactical force to locate these bandits wherever they’re hiding and bring them to justice because they have terrorized this peaceful nation enough.

‘Ransom is exchange for services rendered. Did bandits offer any?’
Ransom is exchange for services rendered. Did bandits offer any? Kidnapping a disadvantaged person cannot constitute service. Therefore, no compensation is considered. However, because of life as those captors are heartless, we should not compromise the release of our people. We are not matured yet to protect our citizens.

‘Paying ransom would trigger “The Cobra Effect”’
Government has to find a lasting solution to the security challenges in the country, especially the recent kidnapping and banditry. Paying ransoms is only playing to the gallery, and it sends tacit signals to many other criminal elements. Paying ransom would trigger “The Cobra Effect”, where many other bandit groups or criminal elements would be motivated to indulge in such actions. The government needs to show a zero-tolerance to any form of violence or criminalities, not by paying ransoms.
‘Paying ransom to bandits is like encouraging youths to go into banditry’
Banditry is a sin against God and an offence against the law and the government is to keep and protect the law. Paying ransom to bandits is like encouraging youths to go into banditry. They must not do it, but should make sure that anybody who ventures into banditry will not find it easy doing it.