I first met Sr. Henrietta when I was
aspiring to the congregation. I
never got to know her mum who
died when Sr. Henrie was still young.
I knew her dad when he was alive,
and I am also very familiar with her
family members. In short, I am an
honorary member of the Alokha’s
family just as she was to my family
members and she remains so to us
even in death. Her dad was a disci-
plinarian, lover of his children and
a devoted Catholic. Her siblings are
very humble, hospitable, respectful
and devoted Catholics.
Like I said, I got to know her when
I was an aspirant in the Congre-
gation of the Sisters of the Sacred
Heart and ever since then, she has
been my Very BEST of the BEST for
the past 33 years. Sr Henrie is my
She is an epitome of Humility and
Simplicity. These were the great
virtues I first saw in Sr Henrie before
I joined the Congregation and she
never stopped manifesting them till
death. She is very dedicated to any
assignment given to her. She would
do it to perfection. She can sacrifice
her comfort to help anyone who
needs her immediate help. Her great
love for Jesus and her vocation as a
religious have been very inspiring.
I refuse to say Sr. Henrie was my
BEST bosom friend because she re-
main My VERY BEST even in death.
If I continue to talk about Sr. Henrie,
your space will not contain it. So, let
us leave it as it is- a summary of her.
She was a selfless individual. Many
a time, she gives of herself in carry-
ing out whatever assignments given
to her. She goes extra mile to give
you the best not thinking of herself.
She makes effort in making others
comfortable and happy by giving her
time and talents. I was not sur-
prised that she went in to save those
students. This was the reason I told
one of the Sisters that worked with
her in Bethlehem Girls College when
they were looking for her, to send
the driver back to the compound
that she was inside there. Because
I knew she would go in there for
the students. I can say this anytime,
anywhere that she was my human
guardian Angel who has become my
spiritual guardian Angel.
I am not saying these things
because she is no more. Sr. Henrie
knows these are her qualities that
I know about her. I met her last on
February 5, 2020. We spoke last on
Friday night (March 13, 2020).
As a way of immortalizing her, it is
my candid opinion that Bethlehem
Girls College should be rebuilt and
named after her. Her portrait should
also be erected in the school when
rebuilt. She should be celebrated
every March 15th.
Though her death is an unforget-
table heavy blow but again it is an
example for those of us still living
to emulate. We should learn to live
for others by being selfless and
dedicated. She shielded her students
and paid the supreme price. She pre-
ferred to give her life instead of any
of those placed under her care.