Smartphones have completely taken over the world of phones, and you don’t want to be left behind in this race to keep up. If you look around, you will find out that there are many different types of smartphones, including gaming phones, waterproof phones, camera phones, Android-powered phones, iPhones, etc. We are not here to discuss the vast selection of mobile devices available in the market today, but to walk you through some things to consider before purchasing a new phone. The following is a list of items that you should never neglect when making the choice of the phone you would purchase. If you do, you may regret your action at the end of the day. Before you go out and get a new phone, here are seven things you should take into consideration:
- Your Pocket (Budget)
One of the first things you must consider when you want to get a new phone is your pocket. If you know everything about phones but lack the resources to purchase the one that has the features you want in a phone, there is little you can do. In light of this, your goal should be reasonable, taking into consideration the resources at your disposal at the moment. Phones are usually expensive when they are newly introduced into the market. Waiting a few months after a phone’s launch is an option you may consider before purchasing the phone of your choice. The prices of phones drop over time. Do not rush to buy a newly launched purchase when you have a limited budget. You may pay more than necessary. Unlike other types of investments, smartphones do not gain in value over time. The prices of phones can fluctuate significantly when the value of the local currency is unstable, especially against the dollar. So, it may be wise to buy the phone you need as soon as you have the resources. Buy the phone you In Nigeria, the foreign exchange market is subject to a lot of volatility. The exchange rate is often on the rise. Since most of the phones in the country are imported, a little spike in the exchange rate may mean you have to pay more for your dream phone. So, get a device as soon as possible, so that buying it won’t become a burdensome expense later on. Also, you may be on the lookout for promotional bargains and wait for the ideal time to strike amazing deals on the online shopping sites Jumia and Konga, since they typically feature jaw-dropping discounts on their online stores. And if you do not have enough money to buy a phone, there are also platforms such as EasyBuy that allow you to pay for the phone you want in instalments.
- Phone’s specs, features and reviews
It is very essential to consider the specifications, features and reviews of the phone you want to buy before releasing your money. Be aware that it is highly risky to buy a phone without first determining whether or not it satisfies the requirements you have laid out for it. This oversight may come back to haunt you. Reviews are in-depth analyses of a product carried out by customers who have used a product. They highlight the unique features of the product. They also state the flaws, errors, and anything else that could be wrong with it. They offer it either positive or negative reviews. Never forget to look at the device’s specs, including its screen size, Android operating system, camera pixels (front and rear), battery life, network type, processor speed, RAM, storage capacity, etc. Additionally, the availability of a quick charging function (also known as flash charge), face ID, a fingerprint scanner, a cooling system for avid gamers, over-the-air updates, and other features are essential. Before purchasing a phone, ensure that you have thoroughly researched the device’s features and capabilities, preferably by reading reviews posted online.
- Warranty
Verify if the phone you want to buy comes with a minimum one-year warranty. This is a very helpful solution for mobile devices, particularly phones, in the event that they have randomly developed software problems or flaws that you did not cause. During the period of time covered by the warranty, you will not be responsible for the cost of repairs, maintenance, or even replacement. In most cases, only brand-new phones come with warranties linked to them. When you purchase a brand-new smartphone from a renowned retailer, you would almost certainly be eligible for a warranty.

- Repair Centre
This is a very significant factor which many people overlook. People don’t evaluate whether or not the phone makers they are interested in have repair centres close to them. It is painful when you have to a very long distance just to repair your phone. A simple check of if the maker of the phone has a care centre around your locality before purchase could have saved you the stress of having to travel a long distance and the attendant cost to fix the phone. Check to see if the next phone you want to buy has a repair centre that is located close to your neighbourhood to avoid having to travel for hours to fix it whenever it develops a fault.
- Availability of spare parts/accessories
It is cool for those who prefer to buy electronics from foreign online markets. The disadvantage of this, however, is that in the event that these devices develop faults, you would need to be prepared to ship their components from abroad. And you need to take into account the amount of time it will take for your products to arrive in Nigeria. This is an extremely time-consuming process, and sometimes, you may even not receive the items you ordered when you need them or they may be out of stock. Make sure that the phone you buy next has a repair centre or a phone accessory store where you can get all of the spares and accessories you need, and ensure that you have easy access to these places. One thing is for a phone’s spare parts to be available, and another thing is to know the cost. Even if you can easily find accessories and replacement parts for your preferred brand in your immediate area, consider whether or not those items are within your price range. When compared to other brands, certain manufacturers’ components can be quite pricey. For instance, the majority of Samsung’s flagship smartphones have really pricey screens in comparison to its main competition, the iPhone. On AliExpress, parts for smartphones can be found at incredibly low prices, but only if you are willing to wait. The delivery of things typically takes a very long time, but this process can be sped up if you choose to work with a shipping firm such as DHL.
- Internet access
A phone without internet can be compared with a ship without a rudder. If you don’t have internet access to your gadget, it might as well be dead. The internet is what keeps a phone alive. The overwhelming majority of people who use Windows, Android, and iPhones can attest to this. Therefore, before you go out and get your next phone, you should make sure that you have researched which internet provider in Nigeria offers the best, most affordable, and reliable services in your area, taking into account whatever mobile network you prefer. Also, keep in mind the network connectivity, which refers to the fact that some networks provide 4G and 5G internet connections in particular sections of the country. Therefore, when you go to get that device, you should make it a top priority to get phones that have either 4G or 5G connectivity. When you do eventually acquire your phone, you may choose from a few different inexpensive data plans to utilise it. Perform the necessary research, or inquire with people in the area, to obtain them.
- Power Supply
Even though this is the very last item on the list, neither of us can refute the fact that a steady electricity supply poses a great challenge in the country. Due to the numerous applications that are running simultaneously in these smartphones, the majority of Android and other smartphones have upgraded their battery capacity significantly.