‘We must emulate the charitable works of St. Theresa of Child Jesus; the forgiving spirit of St. Maria Goretti and the pious life of St. Dominic Savio’
It is no longer news that the generation in which we find ourselves is more of an eyesore and a good number of Christians are lukewarm while some have slipped probably because we do not have the right hands to guide us. The Church in her wisdom has mapped for us individuals who lived out their daily lives extraordinarily – one befitting to God Almighty. These people are known as Saints; by following the example of humans like us, we may have a clearer understanding of what is morally and spiritually expected of us. As MCA children, St. Maria Goretti, St. Dominic Savio and St. Theresa of the Child Jesus were children like us (now saints) who died at the young ages of 11, 15 and 24 respectively while serving the Lord. Therefore as little missionaries, we must learn to appreciate and emulate the charitable works of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus; the forgiving spirit of St. Maria Goretti and the pious life of St. Dominic Savio who sought to bring children and youths together while preaching through his lifestyle and deeds, the holiness of Christ. These good virtues are what are required of us to be distinct and great missionaries of our generation and perhaps saints of tomorrow.

• Olabanji Benedicta, Ss. Joachim and Anne Catholic Church, Meiran (Ipaja Deanery).
‘St. Maria Goretti, patron saint of abused children and rape victims; St. Theresa, role model of life of holiness; St. Dominic Savio, role model of obedience’
I will love this generation to imitate Saint Maria Goretti who has captured my love, affection and that of many people because of the simplicity and purity of her life. St. Maria Goretti is called a martyr because she fought against Alexandra on the attempt of sexual sin and was stabbed. She didn’t forget that her body is the temple of God. She is a patron saint of abused children and rape victims. She is known for her mercy, forgiveness, love, intercession for purity and chastity. Saint Theresa is a good role model to look up to. She made her devotion to living a life of holiness. She performed little acts of charity and sacrifice no matter how unimportant they seemed. She offered herself as a sacrificial victim to the merciful love to God persistent which is one of the attributes expected of every MCA member. Finally, I will love the MCA children to imitate St. Dominic Savio who wanted Jesus to be his friend and is persistent in not committing mortal sin. He grew quickly in virtue because he was docile and obedient. Above stated saints all have similar attributes of simplicity, purity and sacrifice and we should emulate them as MCA children.

• Treasure Maryrose Okafor, St. Alphonsus Catholic Church, Aboru (Ipaja Deanery)
‘St. Maria Goretti, St. Dominic Savio and St. Theresa, used their youthful lives to be missionaries’
Looking at these saints: St. Maria Goretti who died at 11 years, St. Dominic Savio at 14 years, and St. Teresa at 24 years, we can see that they only used their youthful lives to be missionaries. They didn’t do extraordinary things. They didn’t have to close down the whole community, but their little encounter with whomever they met made them saints. What should we learn from them? The fact remains that not everyone will have the opportunity to do big things. The chances that we will do big things are very slim. It is then important to emulate one or two things from these saints – our chosen models. St. Maria Goretti is the patron saint of young girls and rape victims. She was almost raped and stabbed 14 times leading to her death. Upon her death, she prayed for the rapist to be with her in Heaven. She forgave her attacker – her concern for her enemy extended even beyond death – and the miracle her forgiveness produced in his life. St. Dominic Savio is the patron saint of the falsely accused and juvenile delinquents. Dominic had remarkable control over his emotions, and while he could get angry like any of his companions, he was able to control himself in most situations. He was falsely accused in school and endured severe scolding. Later, he was asked why he didn’t defend himself. He replied that the culprit had other offenses to suffer from and if Jesus could die for us all, he will quietly take the beatings of another. We see his love for Jesus being shown in the way he treats his friends at school. Later on, he formed a youth ministry with no expertise. The goal was to train them to take care of atrisk children. St. Theresa of the Child Jesus is the patron saint of missions and florists. She also died as a youth. She was a nun. Most importantly, she lived her life in simplicity and always put love at the forefront. She is also a doctor of the Church.

• Amuh Kosisochukwu Rita, St. Timothy Catholic Church, Bayeku (Ijede Deanery)
‘The lives of St. Maria Goretti, St. Dominic Savio and St. Theresa of the Child Jesus are worthy of emulation’
1. Their lives as a whole is worthy of emulation.
2. Despite the poor background of St. Maria Goretti, she did not commit the bad act even when forced.
3. From their lives, you can see that helping people is very important to our existence.
4. We should learn to forgive others just like Jesus taught us.
5. We should live our lives for the love of God.
6. Faith is important when serving God.
7. Prayer is important.
8. As MCA children, we shouldremember to always pray our Mission Rosary for ourselves and the children of the whole world.
9. We should always attend the Holy Mass and focus while listening attentively during the Mass.

• Eyinade Gideon, St. Patrick Catholic Church, Igbogila (Ipaja Deanery)
‘St. Maria Goretti is known for saying no to sinful acts; St. Dominic Savio corrects others softly on things against God; St. Theresa surrendered herself to the everlasting love of God’
As MCA children, we have to make St. Maria Goretti, St. Dominic Savio and St. Theresa of the child Jesus our role models for our present generation. However; they all portrayed similar positive life styles. St. Maria Goretti is known for saying no to sinful acts and her act of forgiveness. As MCA children, we should also learn to say no to sinful acts even when we are being threatened and we should learn to forgive those that hurt us. St. Dominic Savio made Jesus and Mary his best friends likewise correcting others softly on things that are against God. He also made sure he attended the Holy Mass on daily basis. He received Holy Communion and went for confessions frequently. We should imitate this wonderful attributes. St. Theresa of the child Jesus surrendered herself to the everlasting love of God, she learned to do all things no matter how big or small without complains but with great love and a smiling face. Their attributes are interwoven but they all have unique ways of life which makes them our MCA role models, we should always seek for their intercession while we pray to God.

• Ojeh Obinna Mary, St. Alphonsus Catholic Church Aboru (Ipaja Deanery)