Rectors of Major and Minor
Seminaries in the country
have been admonished to
remain steadfast in the mis-
sion of mentoring future priests for
the Church in Nigeria, in spite of the
challenges of modernity and other
factors facing the Church in this per-
This advise was given by the Rev. Fr.
Isaac Dugu, the Director of Pastoral
Agents Department of the Catholic
Secretariat of Nigeria (CSN); in his
address at the workshop for all Rec-
tors of Minor and Major Seminaries,
organized by the department.
The workshop which took place re-
cently, at the St Gabriel Spiritual Year
Seminary, Ozubulu, Anambra State;
was attended by Most Rev. Valerian
Okeke, Archbishop of Onitsha Arch-
diocese and CBCN Bishop Chairman
for Seminary Committee; Most Rev.
Hilary Okeke, Bishop of Nnewi Dio-
cese and directors of seminaries in all
the Archdioceses and dioceses in the
While commending the rectors for
their invaluable role in their vocation
of training and making seminarians
worthy servants of Christ as priests
in the Lord’s vineyard, Fr. Dugu de-
scribed them as noble people noting
that: “The Church in Nigeria and the
Universal Church depend on you in
the training and mentoring of future
priests who are sound, deep in faith,
rich in wisdom, proven integrity and
full of the Holy Spirit to witness to the
Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Noting that this responsibility of the
rectors in not a mean task, Fr. Dugu
remarked that “the task comes with
a monumental responsibility but flick-
ered with amazing Grace from God
in the face of very obvious hazards
and challenges emerging daily from
the trends of modernity, relativism,
widespread sycophancy, political prof-
ligacy, moral decay, sexual evolution,
ethnic and religious bigotry,” among
The CSN director then assured the
rectors: “As dreadful as those chal-
lenges are, so bountifully grace filled
are the corresponding blessings from
Heaven for the good work you do.”
The director spoke extensively on:
the priests and politics; rebuilding
the Nigerian political system; priests,
politics and formation; mentorship
and ministry; and the position of the
Church and roles of the rectors in this
On the issue of issue of politics in
the country, Fr. Dugu regretted that
“the word does not sound positive
in minds of many Nigerians as it is
associated with unhealthy values of
stealing, corruption, irresponsibility,
hatred, greed, acrimony and deceit”,
among others.
Pointing out that priests as the mor-
al conscience of the people are expect-
ed to come to their rescue, the CSN
director urged that they should pro-
vide vision for the country’s gullible
politicians. He added: “If politics is a
clean game, then, we need priests who
are called and chosen by God, minis-
ters of Sacraments to add their weight
and charism to the game of politics.
Fr Dugu noted that the workshop
has far more reaching significance, as
it is not only to edify the knowledge of
the rectors, but also inculcate the val-
ues of effective mentoring leadership
toward the promotion and Christian
values in the minds of the seminarians
as they discern their vocation.
He remarked: “In our society where
the word politics has a bad name, —
our seminarians must be informed
that Jesus taught his disciples to be
leaders who must have character and
values and that a leader must strive to
change attitude and traditions that are
inimical to Christian values that can
transform the world for good.
He added: “Given the rapid evolu-
tion in all facets of our modern so-
ciety, our young brothers in the for-
mation need some guide and proper