1) You are no longer popular in your
2) Avoid going to your former office
without invitation. Where it’s abso-
lutely necessary inform an officer of
your visit so that you can be received.
3) Know that not everyone liked
you while at work & so now have an
opportunity to snob you.
4) Keep in touch with your course
mates as you grow in retirement
because some Pharaohs in Egypt may
not know your Joseph.
5) Attend celebration of course
mates. Its always a reunion with lots
of fun.
6) Only a few of the people you
assisted (including family members)
will come around to see you often. To
others you have nothing to offer.
7)Plan your days & follow your plan.
Sometimes when you look at your
uniform with all the medals, you have
a feeling of emptiness. Get yourself
8) Traveling is great, visit places of
interest and enjoy your travels.
9) Eat right, enjoy your meals but
down on excessive consumption of
alcohol, sugar, salt, fats and oils.
10) Do your medical check-up even
when you feel healthy.
Enjoy your retirement.
Build your own house where you
will live in your old age.
Build businesses that will feed you
in your old age.
Create conveniences that will engage
you in your old age.
Build friendship and goodwill that
will serve you in your old age.
Right now, start to be relevant in
your mosque or Church and commu-
nity so you could be reckoned with in
your old age.
- Old age could be very lonely and
agonising for men/women who did
not plan for it. - May you not become a liability on
your children in your old age.
- May your children not wish you an
early death when they can’t manage
you again in your old age.
An old age without penny in your
pocket is a slow, agonising death
Be warned now…!
There are three categories of people
you cannot do without as we are
growing older, your family, people in
your place of worship and childhood
friends, who include your Old School
Friends, take it or live it, at 60 and
above, loneliness kills because the
children you are working hard for
now will go their way to raise their
own immediate families and pursue
their own destinies, just as we did
At that time it’s these people in these
3- categories that take away loneliness
and keep your company.
At 50 years and above, you have 10
to 15 or 20 years of active working
Respect friendship and value rela-