Good day Editor,
I am a staunch reader of the Catholic
Herald Weekly. I am not pleased with
your last week report entitled, ‘Mbaka:
The loose Cannon.’
Rather than encouraging our priests
to concentrate more on fasting and
praying, we are discouraging those that
are operating from the spirit realm like
Rev. Fr Ejike Mbaka. I have known him
for years. God is doing great things
through him. He genuinely loves God.
He is a one in a million. Others should
emulate him and do great things.
On the prophesy of Hope Uzodinma,
only God can make and unmake. If
Ihediora was destined to be governor
of Imo State, nothing would have
stopped him. Please help to disseminate
appropriately. What Mbaka did at the
Adoration ground was to ask the con-
gregation to pray and empower Uzo-
dimma spiritually to take over. Please
watch the video keenly. It was the Holy
spirit that acted. What if that prophesy
has failed? God is at work and anybody
that doubts the works of Mbaka doubts
GOD. – Bro Callistus