For many years, our Mother Mary has been going round the world weeping tears of blood and calling on her children to stop sinning. She came to Nigeria to Aokpe and Umunya. I was there. Nobody heeded her call. Ebola came as the first chastisement. People prayed fervently and God was merciful to us. We must stop sinning or worse things will come. Now corona virus is causing havoc all over the world. God wants to show us that He is supreme and in control. He wants to let us know that we cannot continue to commit outrageous offences against Him and expect His blessings.
When Senator Cotton of United States notified the world about China’s lies and intrigues to colonize the world, he was not taken seriously. God can use anyone to disseminate His message. President Trump cautioned that the closing of Churches is not a solution, that it will only make the invisible army to be more active. He was correct. Let us take clue from what happened at Japan August 6 1945; also in Russia, Austria, the former Soviet Union and Brazil to name a few. Recall what happened through praying of the Rosary! Nigerian women should rise, pray the Holy Rosary and ask for God’s mercy to bring an end to COVID-19.