The Father, the Son,
and the Holy Ghost
are all one and the
same God. The Holy
Ghost proceeds from
the Father and the
Son, together with the Father and
the Son He is adored and glorified.
The togetherness of the Holy Trinity
does not diminish any of the Triune
God as the worship of all is given
without any iota of ‘less’ on any of the
three divine persons.
There is this idea that the Holy Spirit
is not less than God. The Holy Spirit
is God. The Spirit of God leaves in
God and is God. The spirit of God is
revered as God because he is God.
We come to God in fear and trem-
bling. At the name of Jesus, every
knee must bend and every tongue
confess that Jesus is Lord. God is
Love. Jesus is Love. The Holy Spirit is
Love. True! – the Holy Spirit must
be adored in fear, in trembling and in
love. The Holy Spirit is Love, is God,
is Christ, Christ lives in God, God
lives in Christ, the Holy Spirit lives in
the Father and the Son.
Catholics say this prayer- almost
mechanically daily- but it describes
and summarizes the role of the Holy
Spirit in our lives…..”Come Holy
Spirit and fill the hearts of the faithful,
and ENKINDLE (light up) in us
Holy Ghost fire came down on the
apostles on Pentecost in the upper
room. Nowhere in the Bible was it
recorded that the disciples were burnt
to ashes or a great destruction of their
enemies occurred.
Rather, they were emboldened,
strong, spoke languages that men
understood and converted over 3,000
men, women and children, which
include people of all races and tribes.
Most importantly, some of their
were trying to kill them were also
converted! This is the Holy Ghost
Fire Catholics pray for every day, ever
since to consume their hearts, convert
their souls and recreate the world for
lasting peace, prosperity and progress
for all mankind.
The devil is rather clever. Man by
emotion feels that fire is used mainly
to burn, cook, warm or cause harm.
Fire is always associated with destruc-
tion not building. For the enlightened
ones, fire is also important for purifi-
cation of metals, and establishing the
quality of an object.
The Holy Ghost Fire is a fire of puri-
fication and love, not destruction. Be-
cause of false teachings, and a myopic
propagation of the gospels by preach-
ers who could best be described as
‘erring’ or ‘false teachers’- the Holy
Ghost fire is now being portrayed in
the anti-Christian light of destroying
ones enemies, and application into all
spheres of humanity that is destruc-
tive not converting.
The Holy Ghost Fire, since the
day of Pentecost has always puri-
fied, enlightened, emboldened and
CONVERTED all who come across
it to CHRIST and has NOT CON-
FLAGURATED, men and women
into oblivion, non-existence or
As a point of order, the Holy Ghost
is God- the third person of the
blessed trinity, and together with the
Father and the Son, he is worshipped
and glorified in truth, honesty,
love, humility, simplicity, kindness,
patience and every other attribute we
give to God.
Holy Ghost Fire!! –do this! Holy
Ghost Fire! do that – yes it will do
all things that are God’s will . But
our God is not deaf or dumb. In the
name of Christ- neo-paganism is
taking hold of the church of God, just
like the I.M.F., World Bank and other
international financial agencies has
taking hold of so called ‘Independent
countries’. All their financial dealings
with these independent countries’
has rendered their citizens poorer,
wretched, decayed infrastructural fa-
cilities and corruption – which these
banks claim to fight but aid through
‘dubious family planning’, ‘white ele-
phant project’ and the establishment
of ‘financial havens’ for politicians to
put in looted funds, thus jeopardizing
the future of generations yet unborn.
Likewise neo-paganism! Neo-pa-
ganism, which takes the form of
‘financial loan of Holy Ghost fire- be-
ing used in the wrong interpretation,
has led to the abandoning of core
Christian teaching of seeking first the
kingdom of God in all its righteous-
ness and every other thing would
be added. The game of the devil is ..
‘Holy Ghost Fire-destroy my enemies,
destroy this, destroy that, clear all
my path for success, make me rich,
marry, prosper, be recognized in the
society, buy cars, make me popular
All these are at the expense of love
of my God, love of my enemies and
friends, the good (no matter how
little) I can do to make this world a
better place, and openness to carry
the cross that Christ has given to me
as the major criteria of my being a
Christian . For our myopic Christian
brethren, Cars, Marriage, Houses,
Prosperity, Good health and all good
things in life comes with a lot of
crosses and prizes to pay. Ask those
with cars who have been on fuel
queues, married ones –what they see
daily e.t.c.
The TRUTH is that the Holy Ghost
fire will convert us to carry our
cross behind our Lord Jesus Christ
to the glory of God. Jesus fell three
times under the weight of the cross.
He was crucified, died, was buried
and He Rose from the dead to live
forever. The cross is painful but the
joy is everlasting; No Pain, No Palm;
No Thorn, No Throne; No Gall, No
Glory; No Cross, No Crown!
Prayer: “Holy Ghost Fire- lead us to
carry our cross!”!