Ad gentes 17, a Vatican II council decree on Missionary Activity of the Church states that “the role of catechesis is of the highest importance for the growth and development of the Christian community”. The Holy Father, in appreciating the “long chain of faithful men and women who dedicate themselves to initiating, accompanying and forming their brothers and sisters to grow in lifelong friendship with Jesus as members of Christ’s body, the Church” breathes new life into the ancient ministry of catechist through his just released ‘motu proprio’ which formalizes the lay ministry of catechist. Pope Francis, in the document, says “In our days when there are so few clerics to evangelize such great multitudes, and carry out the Pastoral ministry, the role of Catechists is of the highest importance” Without prejudice to the Bishop’s mission as the primary catechist of his Diocese, one which he shared with his presbyterate, or to the particular responsibility of parents for the Christian formation of their children, recognition should be given to those lay men and women who feel called by virtue of their baptism to cooperate in the work of catechesis.
The presence of these lay men and women is urgently needed today as a result of our increasing awareness of the need for evangelization in the contemporary word. However, recognizing the importance of these lay men and women who collaborate in the service of catechesis, Pope Francis formalizes and elevates the lay ministry of a catechist through a dedicated Liturgical Rite of the Church. He also calls for support for their formation and for pastoral concern for a renewal of catechesis. Focusing on the ministry of catechist, he went on to enumerate its distinctly ‘secular’ character that Catechists build up and strengthen the Christian community through the following: i. the proclamation of the kerygma ii. the pastoral service of transmitting the faith iii. preparation for the Sacraments of Christian initiation iv. On-going formation Through active participation in community life, the catechist is also called to various roles as witness to the faith, teacher and mystagogue; and companion and pedagogue. He referenced Paul’s saying to the Galatians — “one who is being instructed in the word should share all good things with his instructor; attributes the Communion of life as a sign of the fruitfulness of an authentic catechesis.
(Gal.6:6) Pope Francis also outlined the proficiencies that is expected of every Catechists in the work of evangelization: i. Must be a witness to the faith, be a teacher and a companion ii. Proclaim the kerygma iii. Be close to God in prayer, study of His word and participation in the life of the community so that they can grow in this identity and the integrity and responsibility that it entails iv. Be open to formation v. Continued commitment and dedication In line with the new ministry of Catechists, lay catechists should be respected and loved by their priests and communities. The following are also the pastoral commitments of the priests as regards the vocation of lay catechists: i. Appreciate and support Catechists ii. Support them in the process of enriching the life of the Christian community iii. Support their formation In his conclusion, the Holy Father prayed for the discernment of the Holy Spirit to sustain the Church in her effort to make the lay ministry of Catechist effective for the growth of their communities.