Pope Francis announced the
names of 13 new cardinals.
Just one of the new cardinals
is from Italy, 3 are Africans.
They will receive the red hat at a con-
sistory on October 5.
The new cardinals include Arch-
bishop Matteo Zuppi of Bologna,
who wrote the foreword to the Italian
translation of Fr James Martin SJ’s
book Building a Bridge; Archbishop
Michael Fitzgerald, an English expert
on Christian-Muslim relations; and Fr
Michael Czerny SJ, under-secretary of
the Migrants and Refugees Section of
the Dicastery for Promoting Integral
Human Development.
Ten of the new cardinals are eligible
to take part in a conclave, raising the
number of cardinal-electors to 125.
The full list of new cardinals are as
1) Miguel Ángel Ayuso Guixot
MCCJ (b 1952), President of the Pon-
tifical Council for Interreligious Dia-
2) José Tolentino Calaça de Men-
donça (b 1965), Librarian and Archi-
vist of the Roman Church
3) Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo
(b 1950), Archbishop of Jakarta, Indo-
4) Juan de la Caridad García
Rodríguez (b 1948), Archbishop of
San Cristóbal de la Habana, Cuba
5) Fridolin Ambongo Besungu OFM
Cap (b 1960), Archbishop of Kinshasa,
Democratic Republic of the Congo
6) Jean-Claude Hollerich SJ (b 1958),
Archbishop of Luxembourg, Luxem-
7) Álvaro Leonel Ramazzini Imeri
(b 1947), Bishop of Huehuetenango,
8) Matteo Maria Zuppi (b 1955),
Archbishop of Bologna, Italy
9) Cristóbal López Romero SDB (b
1952), Archbishop of Rabat, Morocco
10) Michael Czerny SJ (b 1946), Un-
der-secretary of the Migrant and Ref-
ugee Section of the Dicastery for Pro-
moting Integral Human Development
11) Michael Louis Fitzgerald M Afr
(b 1937), Apostolic Nuncio (retired)
12) Sigitas Tamkevicius SJ (b 1938),
Archbishop Emeritus of Kaunas, Lith-
13) Eugenio Dal Corso PSDP (b
1939), Bishop Emeritus of Benguela,