Fired by a monumental sense of purpose; urged on by a dogged determination to transform his society; and distilled or refined by the treacherous crucible of the drama of the absurd that has been Nigeria’s chequered socio-economic and political history, Pat Utomi can at 68 look back with some measure of satisfaction at his profuse and extremely fecund and prolific intellectual, political, economic and social engagements over these last 68 years.
Though the Nigeria of his dream, the one for which he made untold sacrifices, including mobilising the concerned professionals, the patito gang, centre for values in leadership, the new tribe of patriots, and running for president, as well as narrowly escaping assassination attempts, etc.; though the Nigeria he has so tirelessly worked for, is yet to materialise, Pat Utomi nevertheless deserve to celebrate his 68th birthday with some sense of satisfaction that he did more than his fair bit in the desire to birth a nation we could all be proud of.
Though he is growing old without having seen the emergence of the Nigeria for which he expended much of his youthful energies – right from his student activism days – he nevertheless deserves to celebrate his 68th birthday with a measure of fulfillment, because he was not a guilty by-stander while the invading locusts devoured our national landscape and laid waste our otherwise richly endowed fatherland.
Yes, Pat Utomi was not a guilty by-stander when the senseless fraudsters and reckless scoundrels seized the reins of power and polluted the sacred precincts with their filth; legislating criminality and promoting gangsterism, superintending banditry, and sponsoring terrorism. Pat Utomi remains an unsung hero in Nigeria, largely because the agents of darkness remain firmly in control of our national affairs. But when the prolonged midnight gives way to a new dawn; when the scales fall off our eyes, and the rightful owners of the Nigerian project take control and begin the process of restoration and rejuvenation, the likes of Pat Utomi and their legacies shall be accorded their due place in the new hall of fame that would emerge, while the succession of autochthonous conquerors that our motherland has endured for so long – the usurpers of our sovereignty, along with their progeny, shall be consigned to the ash heap of history.
Yes, for all appearances to the contrary notwithstanding, the senseless scoundrels, the punitive overlords, the blind kleptomaniacs, the wicked ethnic warlords, the shameless prostitutes of power, as well as the court jesters, who have presided over our national ruination, shall not have the last laugh. Yes, as God lives, I am convinced that the triumph of evil in our land is only a mirage. Yes I know that all appearances to the contrary notwithstanding, light will outshine the prevailing darkness, truth will conquer the enthroned falsehood, and love (not hate), shall be the last word of our national history. Happy birthday once again to the indomitable Pat Utomi.
• Very Rev. Fr George Ehusani is the Executive Director, Lux Terra Leadership Foundation.