The Bible is rich with interesting stories of great works of God, inspiring narratives that illustrate good Christian life and educational tales that dole out vital lessons for people of all ages. Children love biblical stories. BETTY AMUKPO presents favourite Bible stories and their respective lessons shared by three wonderful children.
The Story about Jonah and the fish
God told Prophet Jonah to go to the city of Nineveh and tell them that he will destroy their city owing to their wickedness to the people of Israel. Jonah disobeyed because he believed that God would later have mercy on the people of Nineveh. He took a ship to Spain. A terrible storm rocked the ship and they threw him inside the sea. A big fish swallowed him and spew him out on the land after three days. God still commanded him to go to Nineveh. He went, preached and the people prayed, fasted and repented of their sins and God had mercy on them. Jonah became angry. Lessons: 1. God is merciful, slow to anger and abundant in loving kindness. 2. We cannot run away from God. 3. When we repent of our sins God will forgive us. 4. God can use storms of life to bring us to our destiny. 5. We should never be angry with God because He knows what is best for us. 6. God is all powerful. 7. God hates sin and wickedness. 8. God is always interested in our salvation. 9. God requires our cooperation in our salvation. 10. God answers prayers.
David Odidika
The Story about the Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 25 -37)
This story was about a man who was on his way from Jerusalem to Jericho and was attacked by robbers, wounded and stripped naked. A priest and a levite passed through that place, saw him, but did not help him. But when a Samaritan was passing by he looked at the man and his heart was filled with pity. So he went to him, poured oil and wine on his wounds, bandaged them and took him to an inn. He instructed the innkeeper to take care of him and paid the full bill for the treatment. Lessons from the story: 1. We should love our neighbours as ourselves. 2. We must help the sick and the injured. 3. We must be kind to strangers. 4. We must provide food and shelter for people in need. 5. Our neighbours are not only those living around us. 6. For you to have eternal life you have to help people in need of your help. 7. We must respect one another. 8. God knows those who are truly serving him. 9. God is not concerned about our position in life but rather the state of our heart.
Mary-Jane Oluebube Cyril
My Favourite Bible Story is the call of Joshua (Joshua 1:1-9)
After the death of Moses, God spoke to Joshua and said that Joshua will lead the people of Israel to the Promised Land. God told Joshua not to be afraid. He told Joshua to be courageous and confident and trust in Him. God also told Joshua to obey everything written in the Book of Law. God told Joshua to make sure that he studies the Book of the Law every day and night. God told Joshua to make sure that he obeys the law that he will prosper and be successful in life. The lesson I learnt in this story is that I should always trust God.