t is always edifying when a good
beginning ends well. It is more
pronounced and celebrated in
cases of meritorious services added
with sound health.
This was recently the case when the
staff and management of University
of Lagos, families, friends and well
wishers rolled out the drums recent-
ly in Lagos to celebrate one of their
own, Mrs Veronica Remi Ikwele.
Mrs Ikwele no doubt has every rea-
son to thank God as she celebrated
her retirement from the services of
the University of Lagos (UNILAG)
which she joined in the year 1979. She
rose through the ranks to the envia-
ble position of chief executive officer
(Admin) and retired on 18th January
It was to thank God for the success
achieved that a Thanksgiving Mass
was held at St. Denis Catholic Church,
Akoka, officiated by the Assistant
parish priest Rev.Fr. Emmanuel Etta.
At the well attended Mass which was
graced by who is who in her parish
and the Unilag community, amongst
others, the homilist, while thanking
God for her life and accomplishments,
admonished her to continue to use her
time to serve God and humanity.
Looking radiant in her glittering at-
tire and in company of her children
and friends, Mrs Ikwele was all smiles
as she later danced to the altar in ap-
preciation to God for the grace to enjoy
a meritorious service and glorious re-
tirement in the service of the University
of Lagos.
At the colourful reception that fol-
lowed, there was much to eat and
drink, even as encomiums were poured
on the celebrant by close associates, de-
scribing her as a blessing to humanity.
Born to the humble family of Pa and
Ma Martins Akhimien (both of bless-
ed memory) of Esan (central) LGA,
Edo States, she attended Federal Pol-
ytechnic Auchi and University of La-
gos, Unilag before joining the services
of the University. Married to late Mr.
Chris Ikwele, a media guru with the
Daly Times Newspapers, the union is
blessed with three children.
A committed Catholic Mrs Veron-
ica Remi Ikwele is an all round phi-
lanthropist who has rendered many
selfless services, too numerous to