Many Christians see Saints as a network of friends in heaven who help us through their guidance, protection and intercession. They were human and experienced many of the same inner struggles, challenges, and joys that we do. There are many saints whose lives and writings have been a great gift. BETTY AMUKPO, this week focuses on St. Tarcisius, patron saint of Altar Servers and first communicants; some children recall his life and times as well as what he represents. Excerpts:
‘His story is a powerful witness to the importance of the Eucharist’
St. Tarcisius, Patron Saint of Altar Boys has always been an example of youthful courage and devotion. St. Tarcisius was a 3rd-century Christian martyr who lived in Rome during the reign of Emperor Valerian (253-260 AD). His story is a powerful witness to the importance of faith, courage, and the Eucharist.
Faithfulness in the face of persecution
2:10). Tarcisius was a young acolyte who refused to surrender the Eucharist to the Roman authorities, even under threat of death. He was Courageous in witnessing to the faith (Matthew 10:32-33, Acts 4:13). Tarcisius boldly professed his faith, even when faced with imprisonment, torture, and ultimately, martyrdom.
The power of the Eucharist
(John 6:53-58, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26) Tarcisius’s devotion to the Eucharist was so strong that he was willing to die, rather than surrender the sacred hosts.
The importance of obedience to God’s will
(Matthew 6:10, Romans 12:1-2) Tarcisius’s martyrdom was a testament to his obedience to God’s will, even when it meant sacrificing his own life. St. Tarcisius inspires us to deepen our own relationship with God and to stand firm in our beliefs, even in the face of adversity. He gave his life for the friends of Jesus Christ.

• Anita Chima
‘His life teaches courage in faith’
Saint Tarcisius, a young Roman acolyte in the 3rd century, was martyred while protecting the Eucharist. He chose to die, rather than let the sacred elements be desecrated.
Lessons Learnt
His life teaches courage in faith, the importance of the Eucharist, and selfless devotion to God.
Biblical Quotations:
• Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13).
• “Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life” (Revelation 2:10).

• Ogoke Chimamanda Antonia
‘St. Tarcisius is often depicted in art as a young boy holding a pyx’
St. Tarcisius was a twelve-year-old acolyte during one of the fierce Roman persecutions of the third century. Tarcisius was killed by pagans when he was moving about Rome to bring Holy Communion to the sick or imprisoned Christians. He refused to expose it to desecration. St. Tarcisius is often depicted in art as a young boy holding a pyx (a container for the Eucharist) and is revered as a patron saint of altar servers, first communicants. Saint Tarcisius was born in Rome, Italy. He died in 275 AD in Rome, Italy and was buried in Basilica San Silvestro in Capite, Rome, Italy. His feast day is August 15. Saint Tarcisius died because of his love for the Holy Eucharist (Matthew 16:24). Do you love Jesus more than anything in this world?

• Patricia Oche
‘He secretly gave the prisoners the Eucharist at a time it was illegal to practice Catholicism’
Tarcisius was a young boy during one of the fierce 3rd-century Roman persecutions. He doesn’t get tired on anything that concerns God, his willingness to die for his faith also presents him as an excellent role model and channels of God’s Power. Once can never be tired of telling his story; he secretly gave the prisoners the Eucharist at a time it was illegal to practice Catholicism. He is the Patron Saint of Altar boys and has always been an example of youthful courage and devotion. His also reminds us of the reverence that we must have for the body of Christ when we are serving on the Sanctuary.
Lesson learnt:
The things of God will always be our priority and we should always be ready to die for the things of God.

• Umennadi Francis Chibunna
‘Little Tarcisius gave his life for the Friend of friends, Jesus Christ’
At the beginning of the first century, when Tarcisius was a young boy, the empire was ruled over by Emperor Valerian. He hated Christians because of their love for Jesus and his teaching. They were thrown into dirty prisons, martyred, which means they were put to death for their beliefs, Tarcisius, one of the patron saints of altar boys, has always been an example of youthful courage and devotion, and his story was one that was an example of a devoted Christian to the Holy Altar, and his willingness to die for his Faith at the hands of an angry mob. On his way to prison to give communion to the prisoners, he was still clutching to his breast a small linen bag containing the Eucharist even at the point of death, held firmly to the Holy Eucharist. Jesus himself once said, “Greater love than this no man has, than that a man lay down his life for his friend, “John 15:13, John 6:51, John 15:5, John 6:56. Little Tarcisius gave his life for the Friend of friends, Jesus Christ. St. Tarcisius taught us a great lesson.

• Sobayo Rita
‘He chose to die, being beaten and stoned to death rather than surrender the sacred hosts’
Saint Tarcisius is a martyr and saint in the Catholic Church. He lived in Rome during the 3rd century AD, during the reign of Emperor Valerian. Tarcisius was a young acolyte (Altar Server) who was entrusted with transporting the Eucharist (Holy Communion) to persecuted Christians in prison. When a group of pagans discovered what he was doing, they attacked him and demanded that he hand over the Eucharist. Tarcisius refused, and chose to die, being beaten and stoned to death, rather than surrender the sacred hosts. He is the patron saint of Altar servers, first communicants, and those who are persecuted for their faith. His feast day is celebrated on August 15. Tarcisius lived his life for Christ, was also persecuted for Christ and died for Christ (2Timothy 3:12). Are you willing to take up your cross and follow Jesus?

• Agbo Josephine