…Embark on Pro-life Walk
The Order of the Knights and Ladies of St. Mulumba have called on the human race to promote, defend and protect the God given life, by ensuring that they (humans) do not engage in abortion and other life threatening activities that affect the dignity of life in negative ways. The charge was given by Worthy Brother Bernard Nku, Grand Knight, Order of the Knights of St. Mulumba, KSM, Satellite Town Sub-Council, during the Pro-life Walk of the Satellite Town Sub-Council, Region 3, Lagos Metro, Knights of St. Mulumba, Nigeria. Disclosing that the rally is an annual event organised by KSM, Metropolitan Council of Lagos, Nku said that the essence is to promote, defend and protect the dignity of life. He said abortion is murder committed against the unborn child who is a child of God, as he added that the philosophy of the Order is that where a man and woman consent to have sex, the result will be a child, a life created by God. Stating that the life of the foetus/embryo in the womb is sacred and has a name in Heaven; the knight said the person who wants to commit abortion/murder would not want their own life to be taken. He said: “This is the message of the Church; this is the faith of the Church; that we must protect life because life is precious. Life is God’s gift to humanity and we must do everything to defend it. “Even married persons who consent to sex and then, depend on contraceptives or condoms and other means to prevent a child from coming, we say no to it because the moment you consent to sex, what should be uppermost in your mind is the fact that a child is probable. Stating that there is no pregnancy that is unwanted, he called on women who are distressed due to pregnancy, to look for the Order of the Knights of St. Mulumba who will bear the cost of their medication up to delivery, up to care of the child. “Nobody should be so distressed as to want to take life. We say no to abortion. The Church says no to abortion. It is not the teaching of the Church. It is not the teaching of the faith. The Church is against it, and we are helping the Church to propagate that message.

Also speaking on the occasion, Rev. Fr. Hycinth Agomuoh, Chaplain, KSM, Satellite Town Sub-Council, commended the Knights and Ladies for going to preach to the people about the sacredness of life as he urged them not to be afraid of challenges that may be confronting them. Stating that God values human life and does not want it to be tampered with, Fr. Agomuoh said Christians have the duty to to preach the gospel of life just as they have the duty to preach the word of God. Speaking on the dignity of life, he condemned the penal laws and capital punishment of death meted out to offenders by the state, as he added that the state, church as well as the people have the duty of protecting, defending and promoting life. “No one has the right to take or destroy life. It’s God alone that has the right to give or take life. We have to uphold the dignity of life. We have to preserve and defend life. That is what we are called to do. The priest condemned abortion done by married couples, as he added that the only way to solve any perceived problem is by protecting the life in the womb.