Social media is a rapidly evolving platform for younger people to communicate with each other, express themselves, and share content of all kinds. It has given rise to a new cultural paradigm that drives technology and businesses, while changing the way people interact. As a tool, social media is a double-edged sword. While it has many benefits, it can also influence youngsters in unhealthy ways. BETTY AMUKPO seeks the views of some children.
‘Social media enhances communication’
I write to say that social media is a good influence to children in the sense that it makes us or gives us room to know what is happening in other countries and also helped we children to communicate well and to know each other’s because without social media we cannot answer all these assignments given to us . And it makes us to be able to know what happens in other Church unlike when there was no social media everybody was living on isolation waiting to hear news only when we go to Church. So I think social media is a good influence.
‘It’s neither a bad or good influence, parents should please guide your children to know right from wrong
It’s neither a bad or good influence to we, children. If a child is well brought up he/she would not abuse the content of the media, so I want to plead to parents all over the world to please guide your children to know right from wrong.
‘A very bad influence on children: it makes children not to pay attention to the house work’.
Social media has a very bad influence on children: Firstly it makes children not to pay attention to the house work been given to them. Secondly, it makes children to be reading their Bible through phones instead of carrying the Bible as a weapon to fight devil, we prefer reading on the social media were by dumping the word of God. So with this, social media has a very bad influence to we, children.
‘The social media has played a vital role in the lives of children’
Yes I believe the social media has played a vital role in the lives of children. We use the Social media to have fun, share interests and also develop mutual relationships with Family and friends. Social ‘The social media has played a vital role in the lives of children’ media has truly helped kids through collaborative learning and creativity. We need monitoring by our Parents.
‘Social media is both good and bad influence to children’
To my own understanding social media is both good and bad influence to children in the sense that without social media we won’t be able to gain access to information about the things happening around us. For instance, during the time of the Corona Virus pandemic it was difficult for people to interact with their friends and loved ones, Social media made it easier to communicate with their friends and loved ones. While social media is also bad in the sense that it makes children lazy. For instance, children fail to do their house chores and it also makes them unfocused in their school work.
‘Exposes the ungodly and immoral activities’
Social media is a good influence for children because they use it and learn. We use the social media to get in touch with our love ones. Social media is also bad because it makes the children to be carried away. And also exposed the ungodly and immoral activities from the social Media
‘Bad influence for children; there is no censorship on the social media and children are among the vulnerable groups’
Social media is a bad influence for children because there is no censorship on the social media and children are among the vulnerable groups that need guidance at all times. And also to build bonds among children, social media should be given less priority for physical activity aids child development.
‘It leads children away from God’
The Social media sometimes leads children away from the presence of God because most Children tend to want to follow the new trend on social media but when it comes to Praying and (or) reading the Bible it becomes a problem to them. The social media has eaten so deep into some children that they already begin to see it as their demi-god whereby without it they cannot survive.
‘Bad influence – it does not make some children focus on their studies; good influence – opportunity to learn more’
Social media is where people chat in WhatsApp, Facebook. Some people join a group they don’t know or make friends with those they don’t know. Social media is a bad influence to children because it makes them not to focus on their studies, they become lazy to do things because they focus on their phone. It is also a good influence to be on social media because the person can join a group that will make them to learn more.