Heart disease can be a major burden. Most people think they just appear out of nowhere, without any warning signals from the body. However, it is very important to recognize these signals, not only to protect your own health, but also to save the lives of those around you. If you recognize any of the following symptoms, be sure to visit your doctor for more information. The most important thing is not to simply look away from these signs, as this could save several lives
Fatigue is defined as a state of physical weakness. It is a state in which the body craves sleep and at the same time has little energy and strength. It often happens after a hard, exhausting day, but if you feel tired for no reason, keep your eyes open, literally. The warning signs of cardiac arrest can be causeless exhaustion and tiredness. So if you are no longer able to do everyday things, it probably means that the amount of blood in your heart has been reduced. These are very common signs and also result in excessive sleep. If such a condition affects you and lasts for a long time, you should contact your doctor to find out what is causing this fatigue and what should be done about it. Of course, there is also the possibility that this fatigue is a sign of another serious illness.
Do you sometimes pass out? Do you often faint? This could definitely be a warning sign of heart disease. Unconsciousness can be caused by several things, such as extreme physical exertion, pain and dehydration. The lack of blood in the brain leads to fainting. One cause could be heart disease, as it usually begins with a drop in blood pressure, which in turn causes a lack of oxygen in the blood. The majority of tachycardia and bradycardia sufferers describe that they initially experienced fainting spells. So if people around you complain of fainting or passing out, they strongly advise you to see a doctor!
Rapid weight gain
Has your body changed rapidly lately? Do you no longer fit into your favorite clothes? Your heart may be trying to tell you something… One possible symptom of heart disease is the accumulation of fluids, which can result in bloating, swelling and ultimately drastic weight gain. While you can alleviate these symptoms with treatments, it is important to monitor weight changes regularly and see a doctor. A noticeable rapid increase in weight can never be healthy and can also result in other health problems.
Nausea and loss of appetite
Indigestion, nausea and loss of appetite can all be causes of heart failure and lead to bloating. All of these can also be signs of heart problems. If these signs suddenly appear, go to the doctor. Of course, this is not a reason to be anxious, as these symptoms can occur in everyone. However, these symptoms are often mistaken for digestive problems and are therefore ignored. It may also be a sign of pregnancy, but to be sure, it is best to consult a doctor.
Irregular heartbeat
A racing heart is not a major concern for most people. It can be triggered by adrenaline or excitement. However, if it happens regularly that the heart skips a few beats, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible. An irregular heart rhythm can indicate an arrhythmia, which should be treated so that the heart beats properly again and the body is supplied with blood again. Arrhythmias can also increase the risk of having a stroke.
A persistent cough
Have you been coughing for a long time without any real explanation? This can also be a warning sign of heart disease and you should see a doctor as soon as possible. As soon as the heart has problems supplying the body with enough blood, this can enter the lungs and cause a cough. This cough could indicate heart disease. It is therefore important to observe the color of the cough, because if it is pink or whitish, this could be an indication of possible heart disease. This cough is usually worse at night when you are lying down.
Cold sweat
If you have cold sweats without any exertion or exercise, this could indicate a warning signal from the heart. Normally you sweat to regulate your body temperature. However, when a person sweats to an excessive degree, the heart tries to pump narrow arteries and it becomes problematic to flush the whole body. As soon as these signs appear along with other symptoms, you should make an immediate visit to the hospital. In addition to this, it is important to know that cold sweats can be caused by infections, cancer, brain diseases, medication or stress, for example.
Of course, most people experience dizziness in certain situations. But if you experience dizziness for no reason, contact a doctor as soon as possible. It could be a sign of heart disease. These things are commonplace and can affect anyone. So it is important to notice this symptom first. In normal circumstances, if you feel dizzy, there is no need to worry, as the causes are usually dehydration, malnutrition or low sugar levels. But apart from that, dizziness can often be a sign of a heart problem.
Sleep disorders
From time to time, everyone suffers from sleep disorders, for which there are also various solutions and healing methods. However, you should also consider heart problems as a cause for your lack of sleep. The signals can manifest themselves in different ways. If you keep your eyes open for hours at night and other warning signs appear at the same time, it could be possible that you are suffering from a heart condition. If the lack of sleep is due to breathing difficulties, chest pain or rapid palpitations, you should consult your doctor.
Inflammation of the gums
Do you have pain or even traces of blood when brushing your teeth? You should definitely not ignore this, as it could be due to a problem with your heart. Even mild symptoms, such as an inflamed palate, can be a signal of bacteria in the bloodstream leading to clots. If you notice that your gums are swollen and you occasionally experience bleeding gums, this could be a sign of heart disease. Apart from this, it is well known that the health of teeth and the heart are linked.

Not only is it uncomfortable to have to sleep next to someone who snores, but it’s even more uncomfortable when that person is you. In any case, this snoring could indicate a heart problem. Pay attention to this even with those sleeping next to you. Snoring doesn’t have to be a bad thing, but if you hear strange noises from time to time, you may have breathing problems, which could be a sign of heart disease. Another sign could be the stopping of the heartbeat for a few seconds (sleep apnea). This is a very common problem and there are already several treatments available.
Pain in the upper body and arms
Do you feel indefinable pain in your arms and chest? You are probably suffering from heart problems and should react immediately! In the case of an impending heart attack, the pain usually starts in the upper body and then radiates to the shoulders and neck. But this is not always the case! The pain can also start in other parts of the body. For example, in the right or left arm, in the back or even in the mouth. There are many possible causes and there are no standardized rules. One thing is certain, however: consult a doctor urgently if you have pain in your arms!
Shortness of breath
If you become short of breath after just a little exertion, you should take this seriously. It could be due to heart disease. Do you feel weak and out of breath even after light activities?
Chest pain
Chest pain should always be taken seriously. It can be caused by a serious heart problem and must be checked out immediately in the emergency room if it is severe and sudden. It is usually accompanied by breathing difficulties. Call the emergency services immediately! Sometimes there is also a tight or burning sensation in the middle or on the right side of the chest. In the case of a heart attack, these symptoms can occur suddenly and then last for several minutes. In this case, the blood can no longer be pumped to the heart, which is a life-threatening situation.
Butt or thigh cramps when walking
Cramps in the thighs, calves or buttocks are not always a sign of magnesium deficiency, but can sometimes indicate heart disease. The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) often recognizes aortoiliac occlusive disease in this case, which must be treated quickly!
Hairless legs
Some women don’t have to deal with epilating and hair removal on their legs because they have no hair growth there, but sometimes this can be a sign of a circulatory condition due to a peripheral arterial problem. Accumulated plaque in the arteries leads to impaired circulation in the limbs and, as a result, hair loss on the legs. According to the “McLeod Health” service in South Carolina, cool, smooth and shiny skin can be observed in this case, so please pay attention to your legs if hair growth stagnates!
Colorful mucus when coughing
A persistent bloody or pink mucousy cough could be attributed to a buildup of fluid in the lungs. According to the AHA, American Heart Association, this could be a warning sign of heart disease. Please consult your doctor, who will then examine your lungs and heart!
Very frequent nocturnal awakenings
Do you have to urinate frequently at night even though you haven’t drunk for at least two hours before going to bed? The kidneys could also be affected. According to the Mayo Clinic, the increased urge to urinate could indicate heart failure. It is therefore essential that you see a doctor to clarify the symptoms!
Discomfort in the chest
Discomfort in the chest area must always be taken seriously. It can manifest as a feeling of fullness, heartburn or pain in the center of the chest and last for a few minutes. Sometimes this feeling disappears and then reappears. According to the AHA, these symptoms may indicate an impending heart attack. Please do not waste time watching or waiting for your symptoms! You need immediate help, it is best to call the emergency services!
Erectile dysfunction
There are several causes of erectile dysfunction. One of them could be heart disease. During an erection, the organ needs an additional blood supply. However, this could be interrupted due to blocked arteries. Therefore, please always consult your doctor, as a heart problem could also be the cause in this case!
Confusion and mental disorders
Memory and concentration problems, confusion and forgetfulness can be symptoms of heart failure. This can happen when the chemicals in the blood change (AHA). One cause of this could be a change in sodium levels. Of course, fatigue or lack of nutrition can also be a cause, but there is a possibility of a heart problem.
Sleep apnea
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which breathing stops for a short time during sleep. According to the AHA, this can lead to strokes, high blood pressure, heart failure and heart attacks as well as cardiac arrhythmia. Please be sure to consult a doctor if you suffer from sleep apnea!
Panic attacks
Panic attacks can easily be confused with heart attacks because they show similar symptoms: Anxiety, tightness in the chest, sweating, severe palpitations, dizziness and weakness.
A sudden blow to the chest
According to the AHA, there is an increased risk of a stroke. Please go to the doctor and ask for clarification! If you have the feeling that your heart is beating irregularly and you can feel the heartbeat, then this could be a symptom of atrial fibrillation.
Breathing difficulties
If you suffer from breathing problems even when resting, this could be due to heart disease. If fluid enters the lungs due to a lack of blood supply to the blood vessels, this can cause breathing problems. If detected early, your doctor can save your life!
Sudden migraine
Whether they come on suddenly or slowly, nobody likes migraines. However, if they come on very suddenly and are very severe, this could be a warning sign. According to the Mayo Clinic, a severe migraine, combined with vomiting and dizziness, can also indicate a blood clot in the heart or a stroke Please get medical help immediately!
Excruciating back pain
Back pain is not always due to injury. It can also be associated with heart disease. It’s important to respond immediately. Severe chest pain that radiates to the upper and lower back can be a sign of a heart attack, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Please notify a physician immediately!
Swelling of the legs
Have your feet or legs been swelling up a lot lately for no reason? Maybe it’s your heart trying to tell you something! Swelling in the legs often means that too much fluid is accumulating in the body (fluid retention) and this could be a sign of a heart problem. Often the legs and feet are most affected, they become swollen as the distance to the heart is greatest from there. As soon as the swelling gets worse, it is best to seek medical advice to prevent any risks.
If you want to prevent cardiovascular disease, there are plenty of ways to change and optimize your diet. This does not mean that you should only eat fruit and vegetables. Although this is healthy, it is also one-sided. There are numerous other foods that you should eat.