Greed is an uncontrolled desire for more. A clear example of insatiable greed can be found in the tale of Roman General Marcus Crassus, often hailed as “the richest man in Rome”. Despite amassing immense wealth and power, Crassus was consumed by a thirst for more. His greed led him to attempt the conquest of Parthia in 53 BC, a campaign that ultimately cost him his life. Legend has it that when he was executed, the Parthians poured molten gold into his mouth, symbolically mocking his relentless thirst for wealth. In giving, we receive the most. Generous people are actually happier, healthier, and less depressed than self-centred or greedy people. BETTY AMUKPO tasked some children on how to overcome greed and become more generous.
‘Overcoming greed requires God’s grace’
Overcoming greed and cultivating generosity requires God’s grace, self-reflection, and practice. Greed is taking everything and leaving almost nothing for others (Luke 12:15). This is not God’s way. God is Love and he wants us to love and be generous. We can overcome greed and become generous by asking for help from God, practicing gratitude, cultivating empathy and embracing the joy of giving. Remember, overcoming greed and becoming more generous is a journey. Be patient, kind, and compassionate with yourself as you work towards cultivating a more generous spirit.

• Josephine Agbo
‘Greed can be overcome by sharing the little we have with those around us’
As a Catholic child, I believe that greed can be overcome, first by the grace of God, and also by sharing the little we have with those around us. Proverbs 11: 25, illustrated that whoever is generous will prosper. These are the various ways we can overcome greed and be more generous.

• Theresa Ohin Obhakhan
‘Practice giving selflessly to cultivate a heart of generosity’
What’s Greed? Greed; the insatiable desire for more. What’s Generosity? Generosity; rooted in selfless love. To overcome greed and be more generous, heed 1st Timothy 6:10, “For the love of money is the root of all evil.” Embrace Proverbs 11:25, “A generous person will prosper.” Reflect on these Scriptures, seek God’s guidance, and practice giving selflessly to cultivate a heart of generosity.

• Ogoke Chimamanda Anthonia
‘We can overcome greed and be more generous by cultivating empathy’
I think what matters first is by acknowledging and reflecting the effect of greed in our lives and lives of those around us. We should reframe our thinking and focus more on the value of sharing and giving. How can this be done? We can start small with the act of kindness and charity, “God will bless you for your generosity,” Deut. 15 vs10. We can overcome greed and be more generous by cultivating empathy and mindfulness to understand the needs of others, and finding joy in bringing happiness to them. As our hearts become open to the mercy and kindness of God, we no longer look to our wealth, possessions, or time to be our all in all. Generosity becomes the antidote to our greed, as we are restored into the image and likeness of God (Eph. 4:24).

• Nnadikwe Favour
‘As a child of God, you have to be content with what God has given you’
First, greed can cut off circulation to hope in God. As a child of God, you have to be content with what God has given you, even if it consists of only food and clothing (1 Timothy 6:6). He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully (2 Corinthians 9:6). We can overcome greed by practicing gratitude, practicing generosity, creating a buffer zone and recognising your triggers. We all have our own unique triggers that can ignite the spark of greed.

• Umennadi Francis Chibunna
‘To overcome greed, you have to be content with what you have’
To overcome greed, you have to be content with what you have. A greedy person views his needs more important than others, leading to hoarding behaviour. Bible passages on how to overcome greed:
. 1 Timothy 6:6-10
• Hebrews 13:5
• Proverbs 11:24
• James 5:1-3

• Ojimmadu Sandra
‘He freely gave us all things to enjoy; we can freely share all with others’
The sin of greed arises from the lie of the enemy that we are not enough and we do not have enough, therefore, we should grab more and everything. In order to free man from the tree or mind of greed, God became man and died on the cross – the tree of generosity where He freely and richly gave His all. For God so loved us that He gave His all, His only begotten Son (Jn 3:16). Any area where greed is disturbing us, the cure is seeing God’s generosity. As we experience God’s overflowing generosity towards us, first, we can overflow in the same way towards others. When we know He freely gave us all things to enjoy, then we can freely share all with others (Proverbs 19:17).

• Josephine Idoko
‘I will overcome greed by appreciation and thanksgiving’
Greed is an excessive and selfish desire for wealth, power on material possessions. Ananias and Sapphira were greedy to the Holy Spirit. Generosity is the willingness to give freely of our resources, time and talent. It is sharing what we have without expecting anything in return. Just as Ruth was generous to Naomi. “Ruth 1:15-22”. I will overcome greediness by: Appreciation: I will recognise the blessings given to me by God and focusing on my future.
Thanksgiving: I will be thankful to God, sharing my blessings to others and demonstrating my gratitude through acts of kindness and generosity. Contentment: Be happy with what I have rather than pursuing another. Guidance of God: I will pray to God for a heart and mind in knowing how to manage resources wisely. Celebrating with others: Be happy for those who have succeeded around me. I will be more generous by: Praying for a generous heart: Asking God for a more selfless life (Luke 6:38).
Helping freely: Assisting friends, family, neighbours and strangers without expecting anything in return. The woman of Shunammite in 2kings 4:8-11. Sharing my resources: Donating my time, talent and treasure to benefit others (1Chronicle 29:1-19). Listen more, judge less: Understanding others without being too fast in judging them. Be present at all time: Give full attention to others. Be generous: Be generous to both who need and those who don’t need. Just as Jesus gave his life as an act of generosity, dying on the Cross of Calvary for our sins (John 3:16). Be less greedy and much more generous.

• Anyasor Chibuike Raphael