“Marian Week,” a Marian
Evangelical structure that
came to existence in St.
Augustine’s Catholic Church Mary Hill
Ikorodu, Lagos in 2018, has commem-
orated its second anniversary. The com-
memoration was flagged off on Septem-
ber 29, 2019 with the unveiling of the
new statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary
in Her Grotto. It was a red tape cutting
ceremony that featured a potpourri of
Marian activities that were scheduled
to take their turns accordingly making
their appearances. Each day signed on
with a twenty decade Rosary procession
that preceded a talk on a given topic.
The people that gave talks and the topics
were carefully selected and each of the
facilitators did justice to the topic as-
signed to him or her.
Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Ukata CMF offi-
ciated at all the Masses in the one week
programme and was also among the
three speakers that gave talks on the dif-
ferent topics allotted to them. Rev. Sr.
Michelle Onyeagba also delivered talks
during the programme and she exten-
sively thrilled her listeners each day of
the two days.
Br. Patrick Oke a widely acclaimed
Broadcaster in NTA some years back,
and now a propagandist of Blessed Vir-
gin Mary with his pet project, “Marian
Awareness” was also on board. Br. Pat-
rick did not only give Scintillating lec-
ture on his topic, “Mary’s Yes and our
Salvation” but also held his audience
spell bound with an all night documen-
tary film show that reeled out series of
Moral conducts of Mother Mary and all
Her historical activities, particularly Her
various Apparitions in different parts of
the world.
People were falling on people to har-
vest the gifts of many religious books,
sacramental and DVDs as he was dis-
tributing the devout materials to the
people at the end of the show.
The Marian week was described as an
annual pilgrimage that should be attend-
ed by every one. Simeon Otu is a Parish-
ioner of St. Augustine and attended the
just concluded Marian Weed. Simeon
described the Marian week as a soul lift-
ing pious programme that people should
A female member of the 2019 Marian
Week committee who demanded to re-
main anonymous in expressing her feel-
ing said that, “If care is not taken, very
soon Marian Week will become a house
whole name and it will be attended by
people coming from far and wide. Peo-
ple will be surprised when Marian Week
will suddenly kill all other annual pro-
grammes in St. Augustine and draw all
the Parish congregations and outside the
parish. People will be attending this pro-
gramme from outside Lagos and it will
start happening very soon. Watch out”.
Concluded the female Committee mem-
ber whose name is withheld.
Br, James Innocent Onajiogbeh is the
Chairman/Coordinator of 2019 Marian
week. Br.James, as he is popularly known
in St. Augustine, said that what brought
success for this year’s Marian Week was
the tireless efforts of the Marian Week
ambassadors who stopped at nothing in
making the one week programme attain
success. The’ ambassadors’ as he called
them went round all the Parishes of
Catholic Church in Ikorodu to distribute
flyers and to paste banners all of which
was intended to create awareness long
before the date of the occasion.
The Chairperson of the Devotion
Committee of St. Augustine, Mrs. Au-
gustina Mba, testified that the large
crowd that turned out was as a result of
the hard work of the Devotion Commit-
tee and the 2019 Marian Week commit-
tee, the two committees that coordinat-
ed the 2019 Marian Week.
“Enough awareness was created and
resources expended in creating the
awareness. So many booklets, handbills
and banners were printed and distrib-
uted early enough before the date and
people responded positively in their
numbers,” said Mrs. Mba