On Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, and this day marks the beginning of Lent.We have the traditional Catholic practices of observing Lent which principally includes praying, fasting, and almsgiving. So, we pray more than usual, we eat less or give up a favourite food or drink.More so, we give more of our resources and time specifically to special works of mercy during Lent. Ash Wednesday is only three days away. How prepared are you for this year’s Lent? Some children responded to BETTY AMUKPO’S findings.
‘As a child, I may not be able to fast but I will pray often, reduce my food intakes’
Lenten period is a time for deeper reflection, prayer, fasting, abstinence and almsgiving. As a child, I may not be able to fast but I will pray often, reduce my food intakes, give alms to the less privilege and go to confession often. I will try to abstain from things I love most. I will create time to study my bible and catechisms. I will go for ashes on Ash Wednesday, Stations of the Cross on Wednesdays and Fridays. Finally, I will prepare myself for Easter Tridium; Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday
‘Prepared for reading my Bible and getting my body in shape for the Lent period’
A believer shouldn’t have a specified time to prepare for Lent. It is something I am always prepared for by reading my Bible and getting my body in shape for the lent period which is a period that do teaches us a lot about Christ.
‘I am going to fast and pray ‘
Lenten period is a time of abstinence from sins, praying and fasting and a period of reflection on your life. During this lent period I would try my best to abstain from sins and give alms to the poor and needy. I am going to fast and pray to God to forgive my sins and those of the whole world
‘Prepared to be blessed on Ash Wednesday and participate in Lent’
Lenten period is a period of steadfastness and also to reflect on God’s Word. It’s a time I had been preparing for in order to participate and be blessed on the day of Ash Wednesday, try my best to participate in the Lent which will include the blessing on the first Sunday of Lent, the Passion Sunday, the Good Friday as well as Easter Sunday and Monday.
‘Praying, fasting and helping the poor’
Lent is a period of repentance in the sense that during Lent we fast and give to people that don’t have, that is almsgiving. This lent I am prepared in the sense that I will turn away from my sins and draw closer to God by praying and fasting helping the poor people and attending ash Wednesday and stations of the cross and I ask God to give me grace to live a righteous life.
‘Pray, fast and do Stations of the Cross’
Lent is a reminder to me that my Lord Jesus Christ died for me because of my sins, so this period of Lent am praying that God will help me to run away from my sins and live a life that pleases God and I will also pray and fast and do my Stations of the Cross every day and also do charity work, to remember the poor and their needs.