The Sunday of the Word of God is here again. This year, it fell on January 22, the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. In his Apostolic Letter, Aperuit illis, issued on September 30, 2019, Pope Francis established that the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time be devoted to the celebration, study and the dissemination of the Word of God. Some children give account on the spread of the Word of God. BETTY AMUKPO presents them.
‘Reading the Bible with my friends and shaping their behaviours through constant reminders of the Ten Commandments’
God wants everyone to hear the Word and be saved, and we have a part in spreading that word. I spread the Word of God by reading the Bible with my friends and shaping their behaviours through constant reminders of the Ten Commandments. Other ways through which the words of God are spread include:
• The use of social media.
• Christians literature by providing Bible for the less privileged at affordable rates.
• By carrying out outreach campaigns/ home to home visitation /evangelical works.
• Organising youth camp seminars, retreat etc.
Hearing and believing God’s word is important for salvation, which means having our sins forgiven, our relationship with God restored, and a promise of eternal life with Jesus fulfilled. God wants everyone to hear the Word and be saved, and we have a part in spreading that word.

• Awaki Barnabas
‘I share the word of God by emulating and sharing the love and compassion of God’
In Matthew 28:19-20, it is said “Sharing the good news of the gospel isn’t simply a suggestion. It’s a command that Jesus set out for us; to be the catalyst for eternal heart change in our neighbours and through the world as we share God’s Word with others” I share the word of God by emulating the love and compassion of God and sharing same to our neighbours. We must walk in the Lord’s way, in the way we dress, comport and associate with everyone we come across, preaching and sharing the word of God. Our actions should speak of God’s ways in all that we do and in doing all these in love we will be able to spread the word of God.

• Victoria Okefe
‘I spread the word of God by wearing decent clothes as a child of God’
I spread the word of God by wearing decent clothes as a child of God, sharing the word of God with my fellow students based on my Bible, spiritual books and music. Matthew 28:19 says, go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. This means that we have been commissioned to go and preach the word of God.

• Umennadi Francis Chibunna
‘Share God’s words with others’
It seems really hard to talk to others about our beliefs, even though God calls us to spread His word around the whole world. God is important to me, likewise, His words of salvation, His love, grace and mercy. I have no reason for not spreading His unfathomable words to my friends, neighbours and family. And the ways for me to spread His word are to
• Trust in the Lord • Open my heart and mind to His word
• Draw closer to God
• Share God’s words with others
• Show love to myself and to others.
When I spread the word of God He promised to be with me always to the end of the age. Matthew 28: 20. Medium which can be used to spread the word of God are:
• Phone
• Journal
• Face to face meeting.
• Social media.
Our Christian life should be able to lift our friends up to God.

• Chima Anita.
‘I will spread the Word of God by first of all starting with myself; I have to be filled with the Word’
Spreading the word of God is an activity for every believer. In the book of Matthew 24:14, it is written, “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come”. I will spread the Word of God by first of all starting with myself; I have to be filled with the Word then move to my parents. My friends are also important in my evangelical mission because I will need to carry them along in the journey so that they won’t be left out.

• Eyinade Gideon
‘By living a Christ-like life’
The word of God is life. The Bible is the living word of God we should embrace it. It is God made man which is Jesus Christ. John 1:4 states, “The word became flesh and dwelt among us.” We should always read our Bible because it contains the life of God. There are the things said by God. John 1:1 says “In the beginning was the word……” I will spread the word of God:
• By living a Christ-like life. • By being humble, loving people, helping the needy.
• Being my brother’s keeper.
• Living in peace with everyone.
• Living an exemplary life.
• Preaching the word of God and love to people and asking them to live a Christ-like life.
• Encouraging people to do what is right at all times.
• Praying regularly and teaching people how to pray.
Sharing what I have with those who do not have. The word of God is life so we should dwell with him.

• Anyasor Chibuike
‘My Bible is always handy to enable me cite relevant verses of what God says about what people are going through’
You never know when you’ll want to share God’s word with someone. My Bible is always handy to enable me cite certain relevant verses so that I can tell the people exactly what God says about whatever people are going through. I can also be a witness by simply studying my Bible during my lunch break and other quiet moments. To save space, one can carry a pocket-sized version of the New Testament or download a Bible app onto your phone. More so, to spread the Word of God, I will wear clothing or jewelry that advertises my faith; humbly display Bible verses and religious phrases or symbols. For instance, I may wear a T-shirt with “Jesus Saves” on the front and the statement of John 3:16 at the back. I could also wear a cross necklace or a wristband with a Jesus. I can decorate my home with scriptural verses. Be open about your faith in all your conversation. Other ways to spread the Word of God are:
• Mention your beliefs when it fits into a conversation.
• Don’t be shy about telling others that you believe in God; it gives them an opportunity to ask you more about it if they’re curious.
• However, you don’t necessarily have to convince others to convert to your faith every time you bring it up. Instead, focus on letting the people around you know that God is an important part of your life.
• For instance, if someone is talking about ghosts, you might casually say something like, “I don’t think we hang around after we die. I think our soul goes to be with God.”
• Have your rosary and other sacramental around you to let your friends know you as a Catholic.

• Bryan Okononfua