The annual World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly was celebrated for the fourth time last Sunday, July 28, 2024. Pope Francis instituted the Day to strengthen the alliance between grandparents and grandchildren as well as between young people and the elderly. The Holy Father extracted a line from Psalm 71 – “Do not cast me off in my old age,” as the theme for this year’s edition. BETTY AMUKPO takes on some children on how they celebrate grandparents and the elderly. Excerpts:
‘Treat them with love’
We should celebrate our grandparents and elderly just as the Bible (Levitius19:32) states, “Show respect for people and old people, honour them reverently, obey them.” Treat them as you love yourselves. 1 Timothy 5:1-2 tells us, ‘Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father.’

• Laura okorafor
‘Simply being there for her means the most for me’
Spend quality time: I Spend quality time with my grandmother, we engage in activities like cooking, reading, or storytelling. Listen to her stories: Record experiences, wisdom, and life lessons to treasure forever. Show physical affection: Hugs, kisses, and holding hands mean the world. House chores: Assist with daily chores, errands, or household maintenance to ease her burden. Create a memory book: Gather photos, mementos, and notes to create a heartfelt keepsake. Celebrate her: Acknowledge her accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. Offer words of affirmation: Express gratitude, love, and appreciation through kind words and gestures. Simply being there for her means the most for me. Build a sincere and meaningful relationship with your grandparent and the elderly in your family and environment.

• Daniel Maro Ighonana
‘Do not forsake their teaching’
Celebrating my grandparents and elderly is a biblical mandate. Leviticus 19:32 states, “You shall rise up before the grey-headed and honour the face of an old man, and you shall fear your God: I am the Lord.” To do this, I will: Spend quality time with them, listen to their stories, and show genuine interest (Proverbs 23:22, “Listen to your father’s instruction, and do not forsake your mother’s teaching”). Show physical care and support, helping with errands and household chores (Isaiah 46:4, “Even to your old age, I am he, and to grey hairs I will carry you. I have made, and I will bear; I will carry, and I will save). Preserve their legacy and stories for future generations (Psalm 71:18, “So even to old age and grey hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come.”) By doing so, I fulfil God’s command to honour my seniors and show love and respect.

• Blossom Akalezi
‘I exalt elders as if they were my biological parents’
First, I always obey my grandparents and elders so that my days will be long. I do not give them reasons to regret or weep. I always appreciate them at every given time because through them my parents exist. I do not rebuke them or elders harshly, rather, I exalt them and the elders as if they were my biological parents. My parents will never regret seeing me as their grandson. God’s Commandment – Honour your mother and father so that your days will be long, Proverbs 17:6 Grandchildren are the crown of the aged and glory of children is their parents. St. Paul states even more so by extension, we are to honour grandparents, it is also good to train our children to honour us and their grandparents.

• Ummenadi Francis Chibunna
‘Appreciate and honour them’
As a Catholic child, I celebrate my grandparents and elderly by appreciating them, giving them gifts and above all, by honouring them. 1 Timothy 5:1-2 emphasises that we should respect our fathers, mothers and the elderly in general. These are some of the ways to celebrate my grandparents and elderly.

• Obhakhan Theresa Ohin
‘I show them respect by treating them with dignity’
I celebrate grandparents and the elderly by the following: By spending quality time with them. I take time to visit, chat, listen, and share stories with them and my other elderly relatives. So as to make them feel valued, loved, and appreciated. I show them respect by treating them with dignity, patience, and understanding, as they have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. I offer them help and assist with household chores, errands, or anything that might be difficult for them to do. I take them out on trips, walk or hike together, and other fun activities. I write a letter, make a card, or prepare a special meal for them. In Proverbs 16:31, it is written “Grey hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life.” So, we should honour, respect, and appreciate the elderly for their wisdom, guidance, and contributions to our lives and society.

• Arnold K Akalezi
‘Spend some quality time with them’
We should always respect our grandparents and elderly. According to Proverbs 16:31, “Long life is the reward of the righteous, grey hair is like a glorious crown.” Learn how to support and care for them; examples:
• Spend some quality time with them.
• Respect them.
• Plan eating together.
• Encourage bonding with your kids.

• Justin okorafor
‘The most precious gift we can give our grandparents is our time and love’
Celebrating our grandparents is a wonderful way to show appreciation for their love, wisdom, and contributions to our lives (Job 12:12). I celebrate them by spending quality time with them, share family stories, record their history, memories, and legacy, gather photos throughout their lives, learn from them. Ask about their experiences, traditions, and skills, express gratitude for their support and guidance. Book Masses for their intentions, and hear their stories, wisdom, and life lessons. Remember, the most precious gift we can give our grandparents is our time and love. Let’s love and celebrate our Grandparents and elderly ones so that our days may be long.

• Promise Anyikaeme
‘We must make the little time they have with us memorable’
I celebrate my grandparents and the elderly around me by honouring them, booking Masses and praying for them. Having my grandparents and the elderly around me is a thing of joy (Proverbs 20:29). I also listen to their inspiring stories, words of wisdom and guidance. We must cherish our grandparents and the elderly ones around us because they have little time left in this world, therefore, we must make this time memorable and a pleasant ending for them. Ss. Joachim and Anne… Pray for us.

• Agbo Josephine
‘I share their stories and legacy with others to inspire future generations’
Honouring grandparents and the elderly is a biblical mandate according to Leviticus 19:32. I celebrate them by showing respect, listening to their wisdom (Proverbs 20:29), and supporting them (Isaiah 46:4). I will also share their stories and legacy with others (Psalm 71:18), ensuring their experiences and wisdom continue to inspire future generations.

• Asia Alexandra Adanna
‘I celebrate my grandparents by marking their birthdays and anniversaries’
My grandparents raised me from a young age, teaching me valuable skills, morals, discipline, faith, physically, morally, and spiritually. I am proud of them and grateful for their guidance. They are like my biological parents. I thank God for the perfect gift of my grandparents. God bless them. I celebrate my grandparents by spending time with them (Ephesians 6:2-3), praying for them, marking their birthdays and anniversaries with joy (1 Corinthians 13:4-7), and honouring them as the Bible instructs (Leviticus 19:32, “Stand up in the presence of an old man, and fear your God: I am the Lord”). May God Almighty bless and keep my grandparents and the elderly, filling them with the Holy Spirit and His love. May they live long, prosper, and fulfill the fruit of their labour with joy and happiness, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

• Anyasor Raphael Chibuike