It is good to be grateful. Expressing gratitude makes God and the people you relate with happier. Besides, it improves your relationship with God and people. Simply put, gratitude is key to building and sustaining healthy relationships. It also enhances psychological well-being and stimulates happy environments. Not only does God love gratitude, but He is offended by ingratitude. BETTY AMUKPO tasks some children on their degree of gratefulness. Excerpts:
‘l am grateful to God for the gift of life’
I am grateful to God for the gift of life and for all what he has been doing in my life and the ones he is yet to do, also for my parents, families, friends, health and well being. 1 Thessalonians 5:16, l am grateful for the grace of being a child of God; Colossians 4: 2, l am grateful to God for seeing me through all the difficulties of life, Philippians 4:7.

• Okereke Josephine Chinemerem
‘Gratitude or gratefulness is an attitude, let’s imbibe it’
I’m very grateful to God Almighty! I’m grateful to God for creating me to know Him, love Him and be happy now and forever with Him. (1 Thessalonians 5:18) I understand that my gratefulness and appreciation adds nothing to God, but rather it helps me get more blessings. There are so many things to be thankful and grateful for. Even to our parents, we must be grateful to them for paying our school fees and taking care of us and also be grateful when people do something tangible to us or for us. Gratitude or gratefulness is an attitude, let’s imbibe it. Remember, if you are not grateful, something is wrong with you.

• Gerald Anthony
‘Gratitude is all about feeling good and creating a cycle of good’
Gratitude is more than courtesy, manners, or being polite. It’s about showing your heartfelt appreciation. When you thank someone, you’re also practicing the first two gratitude skills: you’ve noticed something good, and you’ve genuinely appreciated it. True gratitude doesn’t leave you feeling like you owe other people something after all, if you’ve done someone a favour, you probably don’t want the person to feel like you expect something back in return. It’s all about feeling good and creating a cycle of good. Psalms 136:1.

• Awaki Barnabas
‘I’m full of thanks to God; I will continue to praise Him’
My giving thanks to God knows no bound because He gives me the air which I breathe. I am forever grateful to God who has been there for me and my family. I am highly grateful to God always for providing better jobs for my parents; they have been using the salaries to sponsor my education and cater for my needs. Also, the book of Psalm 100:4-5 says, “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.” My being grateful to God is always full of thanks and praise which I will continue by His Grace.

• Gideon Eyinade
‘Showing gratitude brings us closer to God’
Being grateful is an act of showing gratitude. It’s an ability to give Him thanks for the things we have and the ones we don’t and still being hopeful for God’s time. It brings us closer to God by recognising all the blessings in our life and it makes it easier to focus on the positive side of life. One of the truest ways to show gratitude to God is to show appreciation to God through prayer and worship, spending ample time in obedience to God’s words, making time for God always in our life, loving ourselves and neighbours, taking care of all that He created and being kind and loving to all that come our way.1 Thessalonians 5:16 says, “Always be rejoicing. Give thanks for everything”.

• Victoria Okefe
‘Gratitude glorifies God’
Giving thanks to God Almighty should be an everyday thing. Be grateful for the life He has given us, the privilege of being called His sons and daughters. First Thessalonians 5 : 16,18 says Gratitude is the ability to show thanks for the things you have, and it help us to get closer to God by recognising all the blessings in our life. Give thanks to God for what He has done and He will do more. Equally, when we thank our parents for what they bought or give us, they are happy and they will buy more. But when we don’t appreciate their efforts, they will feel bad and will not do anything for us again. That is how it is with our God. Always thank Him for the ones He has done and expect more from Him.
Benefits of giving thanks
• Gratitude glorifies God
• Gratitude brings peace of mind
• Gratitude brings contentment
• Gratitude deepens our faith
• Gratitude draws us closer to God
• Gratitude leads to joy.
Hannah gave thanks to God. Paul also gave thanks in the middle of the storm. Mary was thankful that she was chosen to be the mother of the son of God. Psalm 28:7. The Lord is my strength and my shield in whom my heart trusts.

• Anita Chima
As a child of God, I am eternally grateful for His love, guidance’
As a child of God, I am eternally grateful for His love and guidance. Psalm 100:4, states: “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name.” God’s unconditional love and blessings remind me daily of His goodness and faithfulness.

• Umennadi Francis Chibunna
‘I am equally grateful to my parents’
Being grateful is when you are deeply appreciative of kindness or good to you by people or God. Always be grateful to God as Job was grateful to God for restoring all his property after all his sickness.”Job 42:10″ Yes, I am grateful to God for good health, the life He has given us, for His love and compassion, for His divine protection, for providing for all we need, thanking Him for prospering our lives, for dying on the cross of calvary for our sins, for the gift of a new day and for showing us mercy. I am equally grateful to my parents for being my backbone, for paying all my fees, for feeding, sheltering and clothing me, for teaching me how to pray and how to behave well.
I love you dad and mum. I am also grateful to my teacher (school teacher and catechism teacher) for impacting knowledge into my skull, for also teaching me the basic prayers, moral and good behaviour. Follow the footstep and example of Abraham when he was grateful to God for giving him a son at his old age (Genesis 21:5). Elizabeth was also grateful to God, for the child given to her. Simon was also grateful to God for allowing him to see our Saviour Jesus and sang the long ‘Nunc dimittis (Luke 2:19-35). Mary was also grateful to God when she was conceived of the saviour Jesus (Luke 1:41-56). Our dear parents and fellow children should be grateful to God and well wishers because you will not know who will be grateful to you for what you will do.

• Anyasor Chibuike
‘Gratefulness is important in everyday life’
I’m sincerely grateful to God for life in good health; giving me lovely parents with good nurturing skills. I’m grateful to my parents who take this calling with utmost gratitude.. Psalm 118 encourages me to always be grateful. Gratefulness is important in everyday life.

• Obhakhan Ohin