Dear friends in Christ, as we begin the ordinary time of the year with the wedding at Cana, let us look back two Sundays ago when we celebrated the Epiphany. The celebration of the epiphany, meaning manifestation. For example, the visit of the Magi is not the only manifestation of the Lord. We have the baptism of the Lord and the wedding feast at Cana as other manifestations of the Lord, CCC 528 the Catechism of the Catholic Church affirms this. Taking a look at the Gospel reading of John 2:1-11, John points out this “on the third day” there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. This phrase, “on the third day” by John points to the resurrection.
On the third day, Jesus resurrected. John wants to draw us to the significance of this wedding feast. Now this phrase, “on the third day” by John has a Genesis motive, looking at the book of Gen 1:1 and Jn 1:1 which begins with “In the beginning.” Again looking at these texts by John 1st day Jn 1:19-28, 2nd Day Jn 1:29-34 “the next day” 3rd day “ Jn 1:35-42. 2nd day Jn 1: 29 – 34. “the next day” 7th day Jn 2:1-1. These corresponds with the 6 days (1st – 4th day) and on the 7th day God rested. All these are part of the Genesis motive that John employs here. On the 6th day God created Adam and Eve, the crown of creation on the 7th day God rested. What happened here? It was presumed that the marriage between Adam and Eve, not only Adam and Eve, but marriage with the Lord was sealed on the 7th day, the Sabbath day. V2 says “Jesus was also invited with his disciples.
His disciples here represents the twelve tribes of Israel which signifies that this marriage is not just for two persons, the event that took place two thousand years ago, but the marriage feast of the lamb with Israel. In V3 it says when the wine failed the mother of Jesus said to him they have no wine.” Mary here was pointing out a need, a lack, a crisis. In Jewish tradition, wedding was not a day affair, but lasts for a week (7 days); 7, the number of covenant and this wedding is joyful with the free flow of wine, wine which signifies gladness, a nuptial sign, sign of abundance. So, it is the bridegroom’s responsibility to ensure that there is enough wine.
Vs 4: And Jesus said to her “O woman” what have you to do with me? My hour has not yet come. Protestants use this argument to displace our Lady in the economy of salvation. But Jesus meant no disrespect. Our Lord would not, in anyway, violate the commandment. “Honour thy Father and thy Mother”. The maker wouldn’t have violated this. Jesus was only addressing his mother with a title “O woman,” example Jn 19: 26 “woman behold your son” Gen 3:15 “I will put enmity between you and the woman,” the announcement of the coming saviour who will be born of a woman, making allusion to Mary. Rev 12:4-5: “And the dragon stood before the woman,” so Mary is the woman. For Jesus use of the word, woman re-echoes the book of Genesis, “woman” is the name Adam gives to Eve. Gen 2:23.
Jesus then is addressing Mary as Eve to the New Adam which heightens the significance of the wedding feast they are attending. This is symbolic, that at Cana the new Eve reverse the decision of the old Eve. It was “woman” who led the first Adam to his first evil act in the garden. It was woman who led the New Adam to his first glorious work. So Jesus assumes the role of the bridegroom by addressing his mother as “woman” and Jesus said my hour has not yet come. What does he mean? The hour of the Lord represents his glorification, his passion, death and resurrection, Jn 5:28, Jn 7:30, Jn 13:1, Jn 17:1. Vs 5 “Do whatever he tells you.” She speaks to us on how we should behave towards God. Vs 6-9 the six stone jars
1. Were used for cleansing- purification.
2. Between the 120-180 gallon – a lot of water.
3. Shows the family was both wealthy and devout.
4. Six and not seven (the no of covenant ).
5. Stone reminding us of the old covenant written on stone rather than upon the human heart (2 Cor 3:3, Ezek. 36:26).
6. Filled with “ water” Like Moses in the desert (ex 17:6). Water keeps you alive, but brings no joy (Zech 10:7, Ps. 104:5). Jn 1:17, the law was given through Moses, grace and truth through Jesus Christ. The Old Moses and new Moses water and wine.
V7 “Jesus said to them fill the jars with water” Jesus could have done this miracle in different ways, but he wants them to grasp something out of this. So he told them fill the jars with water.
V8 Jesus instructed them to take the water to the steward for him to evaluate. Here Jesus takes on the role of the bridegroom and he provides the good wine, the best wine. The steward praised him, but was it the bridegroom that provides the wine? No, it was Jesus the new bridegroom, he steps in and he ensures there is the choicest wine. This New wine takes us to the 2nd reading 1Cor12:4-11. The gifts of the Holy Spirit. No wonder Joel 3:1 says that on last days, God says, I will pour out my spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophecy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream “dreams”. Which is affirmed in Acts 2:17 emphasis on” pouring”.
V11 “His disciples believed in him”. They believed in him because of its significance. This is linked to Is. 25:6, the eventual restoration of Israel, a picture where the Messiah is seen as the “bridegroom” and Israel is seen as a woman “the bride” in this banquet. Also, Joel 3:18 depicts same. This was a sign to his disciples that Jesus is that “good wine,” foretold by the prophets and the long awaited Messiah. Amos 9:13-14 says the same of this sweet wine. In the first reading Is. 62. 1-5 we have this image of Israel as bride and God her maker the bridegroom. In Jewish culture the bride is adorned as queen and bridegroom adorned like a king and they will put on crowns. Remember, God was making a promise here, “You shall no more by termed forsaken.”
Remember the people of God had been punished, Israel was alienated from God. But now they will be married to God. Also, Is. 54: 4-5 vs 4, “Fear not for you will not be ashamed.” V5 for your maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is His name, and the Holy one of Israel is your redeemer, the God of the whole earth he is called. If Israel’s maker is her husband then that will make Jesus the bridegroom. Lastly, the wedding feast of the lamb Rev. 19:7-9. Whenever we participate in the Holy sacrifice of Mass, we receive a foretaste of this heavenly banquet which will be consummated at the end of time. I wish to ask you, who is your bridegroom? Are you faithful to Christ your bridegroom? Some are married to spiritual beings in the water, land and air and yet, they invalidly partake of this earthly banquet (Holy Communion) which is a foretaste of the heavenly banquet, you attract condemnation to yourself.
Are you married to god or goddess of your land? Are you married to the deity of your land? Are you married to fallen angels and archangels? And that is why you can’t get married in real life, you experience failure, backwardness, near sickles syndrome, stagnation. Listen, you need to break away from that marriage. Jesus is the real bridegroom. He is offering you an invitation to come and taste sweet, rich wine that will transform every aspect of your life.
• Rev. Fr. Francis Chinonso Okpara HFFBY is Associate Priest of St. Dennis Catholic Church, Bariga, Lagos.