In as much as we all know the situation in our world today, from economic crisis to weather and so on, regardless of these uncomfortable circumstances, we still struggle with internal and external crises due to issues of life. Most times these issues affect us directly, other times indirectly. The truth still remains, that in the face of all these odds/negativism, we still have to find space in our minds and hearts, where we determine never to give up, sometimes, even we, become victims, but we have to hold on to our faith, putting God first, knowing that we will come out victorious at the end of it all. It is also true that most times we cannot control what happens to us, but we can control how we react and feel about it to a certain extent.
If I should explain these words “Hold on” in my own perspective, I will say it is holding on to Hope, Faith, what you believe in and never yielding to the lies of the evil one, Satan. It can be you as a person, finding out how to encourage yourself and not giving up, regardless of the situation or circumstance you find yourself in. Secondly, it’s another way of saying yes to the Will of GOD in difficult times, knowing quite well that, this time/season of events in my life, I am facing right now is not easy, it’s not going to be an easy ordeal (one) but because I have my SOURCE and RESOURCE, WHO IS GOD ALMIGHTY my CREATOR and CREATOR of the whole Universe, living and non-living things, known and unknown, seen and unseen, with me realizing that without HIM, nothing can come into existence. And since HE knows me well and created me in HIS image and likeness, also, HE coming to die for me in a shameful death on the Cross of Calvary.
With these facts there’s nothing HE cannot do for me or rather, let’s put it this way, there’s nothing HE cannot give me, if it is for my good and HIS own greater Glory in my life. Look at what the words of God said in the book of Jeremiah 29:11, says, “for, I know what plans I have for you, declares the LORD plans for peace and not for disaster, plans to give you hope and a future”, if GOD says this about you and I in this world, this simply shows that, HE, GOD ALMIGHTY is in control in every situation we find ourselves. HE got our back. Big thanks to GOD, WHO is ever faithful and loving, WHO loves us and cares for us more than we know. Nothing happens without HIS knowledge. The big question now is, on whose side are you on?.
Trust me, if you are on GOD’S side, HE will always fight your battles, direct, console and encourage you, through the HOLY SPIRIT till HE brings you to a victorious end. Even though, the paths/ journey might be rough, rocky and risky at times, HE is with you all along, making sure the journey is safe. Sometimes, the journey of life can be fulfilling, other times, it can be discouraging, but what matters is that, HE will bring us to a victorious end. If we go to the book of Psalms chapter 23:4, says, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, No harm would (you and I) fear, for you are there by my side. With your rod and your staff, you give me comfort”. Where there is a problem, is when we are on the side of other things, world or creatures.
These cannot save or help us, because they are creatures, created by GOD ALMIGHTY. Their help is limited to certain extent. You can see, this is more reason why we should hold on to GOD, our CREATOR, when things are not working the way we want it. We should also remember anytime we are facing trials, that if GOD can give up the life of HIS only begotten SON, JESUS CHRIST on the cross of Calvary to save us (you and I), giving us eternal life, it can only mean one thing, that there’s nothing GOD can deny us as far as that is for our good and HIS own greater Glory in our lives, as I mentioned earlier. Let’s go to the book of John 3:16, says, “Yes, GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only Son that whoever believes in HIM may not perish, but may have eternal life”. Going further to verse 17, “GOD did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but that, through HIM the world might be saved”.
If GOD did this extra ordinary work of miracle, Grace and mercy for us, why do we think that HE will abandon us or fail us in times of difficulties and tribulations. HE can never leave us, neither can HE abandon us, HE is ever faithful GOD even when we are unfaithful. Sometimes, in such hard times we become afraid, yes, we are humans, you and I, we have tendency to get frightened when things are not working the way we want it, but, I will assure you that when we remember the words and promises of GOD and hold on to it, we will just be fine. If we go to Hebrews, 13:5b-6, says, “for GOD has said, I will never forsake or abandon you, and so we shall confidently answer, THE LORD is my helper, I will not fear. What can man do to me?.”
I underlined helper because, that is the keyword to focus on. Holding on with prayers is when, we see a looming danger or situation that is not working the way we expect it. What we have to do first is, talking and telling GOD about it, as your only hope, Source and Resource. Tell HIM, how you feel, ask HIM to have mercy upon you, forgive you, the sins you have committed Knowingly or unknowingly, because there are sins we commit by omission, also ask HIM to forgive the sins of your family, fore parents, just as some men and women of GOD in the Bible prayed. Someone like Daniel in the Book of Daniel 9:4 -6, and others. We pray for mercy because, it’s only sin that can come between us and GOD. When we pray this way, followed by asking GOD for our needs because HE said we should ask and it shall be given, as in the book of Matthew 7:7 says, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened. For everyone who asks, receives, whoever seeks, finds, and the door will be opened to anyone who knocks”.
The word of GOD went further to explain why GOD will not deny us anything good if we ask HIM. Matthew 7:9-12 says, “Would any of you give a stone to your son when he asks for bread? or give him a snake, when he asks for a fish? Bad as you are, you know how to give good things to your children. How much more then, will your FATHER in Heaven give good things to those who asked HIM!” The problems some people use to encounter is that when ugly situations arise, they forget to pray, being carried away, looking for help and solutions from places that sometimes cannot help us. Yes, there is nothing wrong from seeking for help and solutions but if only, we have to seek help from the right places. For instance, in case of sickness/infirmities, common sense should tell us to go to the hospital for treatment because, GOD is the one WHO heals through the doctors.
Remember, HE is the one who created the doctors and gave them the wisdom to treat. If you check in some hospitals, they use to write or say to their patients that, GOD heals, we only treat. Furthermore, what I’m trying to explain is that we have to do the needful by doing our own part, taking the patient to the hospital in this scenario, praying to GOD for instant healing and living the rest to GOD, and many other instances. GOD hears our prayers but at times, when we ask for something in prayers, HE does it immediately if it is HIS will, some other times HE does it in another way which will benefit us more because HE is our FATHER and GOD and knows what will be to our own advantage at that point in time.
• Mary Chioma is a Parishioner of the Catholic Church of Visitation, Festac Town, Lagos.