Garden Egg is a good source of dietary fiber and other minerals and vitamins such as vitamin B1, potassium, folate, manganese, magnesium, copper, Vitamin B6, niacin, and other various secret nutrients that you can read below.

Health Benefits Garden Egg:
1. Promotes Weight Loss
Eating eggplant, especially the greenish type, is beneficial in weight reduction because they contain low carbohydrates and calories essential for weight management. Overweight individuals who want to lose weight or want to retain their average body weight can also add eggplant to their diet.
2. Rich in Antioxidants
Anthocyanins, nasunin, and flavonoids are essential and powerful phytonutrients and antioxidants in eggplants that help protect the body system and add many health-promoting benefits to the human body. Anthocyanins are responsible for the deep purple color of eggplants and also helps in preventing the development of cancer and other diseases that result in bacteria. Anthocyanins found in eggplants possess antioxidant properties that are responsible for protecting the whole body system.
3. Rich in Vitamin B
Garden egg is a natural source of vitamin B’s such as thiamin, niacin, B6, and pantothenic acid that helps the body properly use fat and protein; and contributes to the nervous system positively. Vitamin B plays a vital role in promoting good health and well-being. It helps in brain development and also helps in making sure that the immune and nervous system works properly. Regular consumption of eggplants provides you with enough vitamin B needed by the body.
4. Promotes Healthy Bone
They contain a good amount of potent minerals such as folate, manganese, vitamin K, magnesium, vitamin C, and copper that help bone strengthening and general bone health. Consuming eggplant is highly beneficial in preventing the risk of bone degradation and osteoporosis. Garden egg also contains some amount of iron and calcium aids in reducing the chance of osteoporosis, thereby keeping your bones strong and healthy.
5. Helps in Digestion
Garden eggs are fibrous fruits that help in proper food digestion and control of bowel movement. Due to this fiber content in the fruit, they reduce constipation and improve digestion. Garden eggs are one of the most significant sources of dietary fiber, which is an essential element in any balanced diet. Fibre aids greatly in gastrointestinal health and proper movement of bowels. Consuming eggplants will contribute a lot to digestion and the consistent trend of bowels.
6. Good for Pregnant Women
These fruits are packed with minerals, vitamins, and other nutritional properties that play a crucial role during pregnancy. The properties in garden eggs help both pregnant women and unborn children for healthy situational conditions. Garden eggs are also rich in folic acid, which is beneficial to pregnant women. Folic acid protects infants from neural tube defects that do occur. Garden eggs are rich sources of folic acid, making them a portion of excellent food and valuable dietary addition during pregnancy.
7. Prevents Anemia
Garden egg has been found to serve as a natural medicine for treating several health conditions such as bronchitis, colic (pain in the abdomen caused by obstruction of the intestine), stress relief, headache, and others if consumed daily. Garden egg is a rich source of iron, which helps them increase the red blood cell in the body, thereby aids in fighting against anemia or deficiency in iron. Garden eggs are also rich in copper, another vital component of red blood cells. Consuming garden eggs helps make the red blood cells flow adequately through your veins, thereby causing a boost in strength and energy.
8. Prevents Diabetes
Garden eggs, which are a source of soluble fiber and carbohydrates, can help control and prevent diabetes. Foods that are rich in fiber and carbohydrates help in the regulation of blood sugar levels and glucose absorption. It is an excellent food for people who have diabetes, as it will go a long way in reducing and preventing type 2 diabetes.
9. Maintains Blood Pressure Levels
Garden eggs contain a high amount of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. These minerals contained in it help in maintaining electrolyte balance in our body. It aids in neutralizing sodium effects in the body, thereby controlling blood pressure levels. An antioxidant in garden eggs known as chlorogenic acid also helps in reducing cholesterol levels in the body. Therefore regular consumption of garden eggs helps in maintaining good blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
10. Prevents heart diseases
Garden eggs are rich in vitamin B1 and B6 (thiamin and niacin). These vitamins are essential in the body for the proper functioning of the heart and cellular respiration. It’s rich in potassium also helps in blood pressure regulation. Vitamin B1 deficiency leads to cardiovascular problems. Therefore, foods rich in vitamin B1 play a vital role in ensuring a healthy nervous system and improving the cardiovascular’s proper functioning. Vitamin B6 helps in maintaining a healthy nervous system. Consuming garden eggs can significantly help in preventing heart disorders.