A prolific film producer and
multimedia expert, Fr. Da-
vid Berkmans has resumed
duty as deputy director
and member of faculty at
Alberione Institute of Communication
Education, Iju, Lagos state. Until his
appointment, Fr. David Berkmans who
was the director of St. Paul Multime-
dia in Mumbai, India is coming with a
rich background in film making (Bol-
lywood). He is expected to positively
influence the film making and enter-
tainment industry in Nigeria with his
wealth of experience. Quoting him, “I
look forward to give quality education
in film making with the dream to shape
young talents in media/ film making and
Fr. Berkmans who hails from South-
ern India holds a bachelors degree in
Journalism, Psychology and English
Literature and graduated from Banga-
lore University, India. Having completed
his bachelor of Philosophy and bachelor
of Theology, he was ordained a priest
in the Society of St. Paul, India-Nige-
ria-UK-Ireland Province on January 9,
In 2017, he proceeded to New Delhi,
India for his post graduate studies and
obtained M.Sc. in Cinema where he
joined the Asian Academy of Film and
Television in Noida Film City in North-
ern India. He completed his M.Sc. de-
gree in Cinema with high distinction
and also successfully completed his two-
year diploma in film direction. Fr. Berk-
mans has produced value based short
films, audio visual CDs, DVDs, visited
schools to educate the youths in the field
of mass media, also initiated a five-min-
ute video reflection on the readings on
Sundays and Feast Days. These online
reflection ministries are today being
viewed by thousands of people on You-
Tube channel, “St. Pauls Multimedia.”
He has given the indication that the
film making course in AICE will pro-
vide both theoretical knowledge, the
why and how of film production, prac-
tical aspects of film making, and the
technicalities and exposure in video