Published July 1924
At last, our review has broken the dawn of day, Bishop, priests, and faithful all have longingly awaited its arrival. They have dreamt so much of it, so greatly spoken about this coming boon and now at last, here it is! Dear friends, let us rejoice at its advent, smile at its birth into the world of literature and give praise to God for the first appearance of this child of wisdom that is being born to us.
The Nigerian Catholic Herald is the offspring of us all, for it is the dear child of the great family of Catholics in Nigeria. From all, each and everyone of us without exception, it expects and invites help and assistance in order to be able to grow, to maturity, to become strong and extend far and wide to the uttermost parts of this great country Nigeria. Some by interesting articles will give it, the food it needs; others, by their generous subscriptions and wholehearted support, will provide for its maintenance. It is, I repeat, the child of us all so may it be a well – cherished and dearly beloved infant for whom we are ready to bear every sacrifice.

It will become a useful member of our family; this being so small and so frail, which we figuratively call “child”, is to be the “lien de fleur” which will bind together so closely the father and mother of this great catholic family The Nigeria Catholic Herald must of necessity be the binding link, the sacred tie of affection uniting us all in one, namely the pastors and flock of Christ. To each will it give the news that concerns us all. If we but give this child a sweet smile; if we do our best to help it in every possible way, especially now in the frailty of youth, God will surely do His part in bestowing His choice blessings. It will depend on us whether it will become great and strong.
And do not lose sight of the fact that it will be our weapon of defense, one that will guard us, its parents, against those who attack us against the enemy of our holy Church and our Catholic schools. It will be a means of protecting us in our faith, of supporting us in our Christian life, and of helping us to live and die well. Then it will assuredly have been a useful child. Go forth then, dear child, dear Catholic Herald: go into every Catholic household of this beloved land. Increase in age and wisdom before God and men, become strong and useful to all our dear people.
Proclaim unsullied truth; show forth boldly to the world justice and right. Fear not God is with thee, for His venerable Vicar on earth, Pope Pius XI may say of thee what he has already said of one of thy great brother journals: “When a journal consecrates itself to the apostolate of truth and virtue, for the good of souls and for the greater glory of God and His Church, there is no blessing which it does not merit’’ (The message of His Holiness, Pope Pius XI to the ‘’Universe’’).
• Late Most Rev. Ferdinand Terrien SMA, was Bishop of Vicariate of Costa di Benin.