Let’s take a look at this picture of this woman and this little girl. Two things at least might have happened, either of the two. Probably the woman gave the girl the small container commensurate to the size of the girl to fetch water or the girl desired to fetch water and asked for a container she has on her head, even cried until she was given one to use to fetch her own. All these probabilities may not be big deals in the evaluation of things just thinking aloud. There are lessons that can be drawn from this picture which are valid and legitimate.

Let’s look at a couple of them.
1 Never underestimate the importance of anyone’ contribution no matter how small, finite, little or insignificant.
2 Never taken for granted the efforts of some persons no matter how small they are, because they truly make some difference in the scheme of things.
3 In the family system or any institution no one is too small to bring something to the table. That’s why it is called a family where everyone matters.
4 To the parents seeing this, your child is never too young to be taught responsibility and how to be responsible. That he or she should not just fold hands and do nothing when the opportunities are there to do something.
5 The training to become a mother starts from infancy and should not be postponed for whatever reasons.
6 Parents and adults should know that little ones are watching, that learn very fast from what they see.
7 Good examples what the little ones need to grow into responsible adults.
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