The Capitulars of the General Chapter of the Institute of the Sisters of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, EHJ, have elected Rev. Sr. (Dr.) Mary Fausta Manafa, EHJ, as Superior General of the Sisters of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus for tenure of six years. The General Chapter, which was held from Friday, September 11 to Wednesday, September 22,, 2021, had as its theme “Renewing the face of the Earth as a great missionary power in the Church.” In her acceptance speech, Sr. Manafa expressed gratitude to God, as she also appreciated the efforts of Msgr. John Aniagwu, Sr. Olivia Umoh, DC, the General Chapter Moderator and Fr. Basil Okoro, CM, for the success of the event. While appreciating Sr. Mary Agatha Osarenkhoe, outgoing Superior General and members of the general council, Sr. Manafa assured that she and her team will continue in the great work of fostering the growth of the institute. “We recognize that we are standing on your shoulders.

You have raised the bar so high. I wish to appreciate you for the great work you and your team have done for the growth of our institute. We assure you that we will continue from where you stopped. We are grateful to God that you allowed him to use your team mightily. May the rich legacies you have left behind endure and continue to bear fruits may the good Lord bless and reward you for all your efforts.” She appreciated the Capitulars of the institute for their commitment and dedication, during the chapter, as well as the sisters in the local communities who were praying while the chapter was in progress. Sr. Mary Fausta Uche Manafa had her first profession of vows on August 15, 1985 and her final profession of vows on September 1, 1991.
She has a Bachelor’s degree in English / Education, Master’s and Doctoral degree in Sociology of Education. She is a seasoned educationist and has served the Institute as Principal and other head of schools in the Institute. The General Chapter of 2003 elected her a member of the General Council, while that of 2009 elected her as the Vicar General. She was until her election as the Superior General, a lecturer at National Open University of Nigeria. The election at the General Chapter also brought in four others, namely, Sr.Theresa Maris Afareha, as the Vicar General, as well as Sr.Elizabeth Maris Agent-Itopa as Second Councilor; Sr.Mary Francisca Elewodope as Third Councilor and Sr. Catherine Maris Oparaji as Fourth Councilor, to shoulder this responsibility for the next six years with the Superior General.
The highlight of this period was the Closing Mass of the General Chapter, on September 22, with Msgr. John Aniagwu, Vicar General, Catholic Archdiocese of Lagos, and representative of Most Rev. (Dr.) Alfred Adewale Martins, Catholic Archbishop, Archdiocese of Lagos, as the Chief Celebrant. The Thanksgiving Mass had in attendance Sr. Olivia Umoh, D.C, Very Rev. Fr. Vincent Olofinkua, Provost, St. Augustine’s College of Education, Akoka, Lagos, EHJ Sisters, Associate members of the Institute, friends, staff, well-wishers and family members of the Sisters