Sisters of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus (EHJ) recently marked their feast day. In commemoration of the Feast Day usually celebrated annually on Thursday after the Solemnity of Sacred Heart of Jesus, the sisters in their respective communities engaged in adoration to Jesus in the Eucharistic all through the night, in thanksgiving, reparation and supplication for the church, the Archdiocese, the congregation and the world at large.

Sisters of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus was founded in 1943 by the first Archbishop of Catholic Archdiocese of Lagos, Most Rev. Leo Hale Taylor SMA, to be great educated missionary and have utmost devotion to Jesus in the Eucharistic. The charism of the EHJ’s congregation is sharing in the sentiments of Christ when He gave the Eucharist in a spirit of love, thanksgiving, praise and sacrifice. The vision of the community is to be great missionaries making the world more aware of Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist by its manner of life and service to humanity.
While its Mission is to be educated African sisters with great missionary power, dedicated to the love of God and service of humanity through deep personal striving for holiness in adoration of Jesus in the Eucharist; giving holistic and qualitative education, health care and social services, promoting justice and equality in all ramifications and engaging in mass media and pastoral/Catechesis activities. EHJ is present and serving in many dioceses in Nigeria and other parts of the world like Italy, USA, Canada, South Africa, Germany and a host of other countries.