To begin with, God created mankind in His image. From the outset, there has been intimacy between God and mankind. But does God love everyone equally? Majority of theologians are of the view that God loves everyone uniquely rather than equally. According to them, “Unique serves a better description of God’s love to everybody. Equal implies that God’s love is measured or measurable, and it’s neither. It is infinite.” BETTY AMUKPO reports views of children in reaction to her question: Does God have favourites?
‘God does not show favouritism’
The Bible declares that “God does not show favouritism” (Romans 2:11). God loves everyone equally. There is nothing we can ever do to make God love us more, and there is nothing we can ever do that will make God love us less. If … you show favouritism, you commit sin” (James. 2:9). It is sin because it is contrary to the character and command of God. Because favouritism is sin. God’s favourite people are those who work with full dedication and diligence; those who are selfless, who sacrifice, those who will go to any extent for their loved ones, and will never expect any kind of benevolence or favour from them.

• Okononfua Bryan
‘God’s favourite people are those who are selfless’
First, God does not show favouritism. God’s favourite people are those who do their work, no matter how insignificant with full dedication and diligence. He also loves those who are selfless, who sacrifice; those who will go to any length to help others without expecting anything in return. Isaiah 66:2 states: “These are the ones I look on with favour, those who are humble and contrite in spirit and who tremble at My wants.

• Umennadi Francis Chibunna
‘God has favourites’
God has favourites whom He chooses to bestow His Mercy on at any point in time. And also, we are all God’s favourites because He created and watches over us. However, the book of Exodus 33:13 (ESV) states: “Now therefore, if I have found favour in your sight, please show me now your ways that I may know you in order to find favour in your sight. Consider too that this nation is your people.”

• Gideon Eyinade
‘God loves everyone equally’
God does not show favourtism, God loves everyone equally. Just like Romans 2:11 states, God judges everyone by the same standard. There is nothing we can ever do to make God love us more and there is nothing we can ever do that will make God love us less. God loves everyone equally.

• Justin Okorafor
‘God is fair; neither does He discriminate against individuals nor groups’
The question of whether God has any favourites is complex. The Bible offers different perspectives on this topic. On one hand, passages such as Romans 2:11, Acts 10:34, and Deuteronomy 10:17 emphasise that God does not take sides and treats everyone equally. He is fair and does not discriminate against individuals or groups. On the other hand, some stories and parables can be seen as suggesting that God may have a special affinity for certain people or groups. However, these concepts must be understood in a Biblical context. God’s “choice” is not due to favouritism, but rather by His sovereign purpose and plan for the salvation of mankind. Ultimately, the Bible emphasises that God does not show favouritism. His character is marked by love, grace, and mercy, which He extends to all humanity, regardless of origin and status. Any perceived “likeness” is not a matter of favouritism or prejudice, but a result of His sovereign purpose.

• Blossom Akalezi
‘God’s graces are available to anyone who lives according to His commandments’
The Bible declares that “God does not show favouritism” (Romans 2:11). God loves everyone equally. God shows no favoritism and his love extends to all people. God’s graces and benefits are available to anyone who, in faith, tries to live in accord with his commandments. We have freedom and can choose God or not. God allows the rain and the sun to fall and shine on both the good and bad (Matthew 5:45). God’s ways are perfect and He’s impartial, hence, He sent His only begotten son to die for everyone. God is Love.

• Agbo Josephine
‘God’s love is unconditional and universal’
The question of whether God has favourites is a debated topic among theologians and Bible scholars. While God’s love is often described as unconditional and universal (John 3:16, Romans 5:8), some passages suggest He may have a special affection for certain individuals or groups. For example, Exodus 19:5-6 describes Israel as God’s “treasured possession,” and Proverbs 3:12 state: God “disciplines those He loves.” However, it’s essential to note that God’s favour is not limited to these examples, and His love is available to all who seek Him (Psalm 145:9, 1 Timothy 2:3-4).

• Stephen Victory
‘Regardless of nationality and ethnicity, God accepts all who fear Him’
According to the Bible, God shows no favouritism. Acts 10:34-35 states: ‘Then Peter began to speak: “I now realise how true it is that God does not show favouritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears Him and does what is right.” This verse confirms that, regardless of nationality or ethnicity, God accepts all who fear Him and does what is right. Similarly, Romans 2:11 states: “For God does not show favouritism.” Therefore, based on these Biblical references, we can conclude that God does not show favouritism.

• Arnold Akalezi
‘God’s super abundant love for humanity is poured out on all mankind’
According to St. Peter, addressing the household of Cornelius, “God has no favourites, but anybody of any nationality who fears God and does what is right is acceptable to Him.” (Acts of the Apostles 10:34-35). God’s superabundant love for humanity is poured out for all mankind, no one is left out; there is a universal inclusion of all races, peoples, and tongues in the salvation wrought for us by Christ’s death and resurrection. St. Paul in Roman 2:11, says God has no favourites! We become the apple of God’s eyes if we love Him, serve Him and be happy with Him in this world and in the next

• Mary Peace Oche