Galatians 6:2 tells us, “Carry each other’s burden, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Praying for one another is a good way for us to bear one another’s burden. Intercessory prayer is a way of life of Catholics. Praying for one another unites the society the more and strengthens the collective spiritual muscles the world needs to uphold Christ-like values. BETTY AMUKPO takes on teenage Catholics on the important practice of praying for people.
‘I pray for the less privileged, the sick, friends and those in authority but I pray for my mother most’

Yes, I do pray for people like the less privileged, the sick, my friends and those in authority but I pray for my mother most. These are, as, we are encouraged to always do in the following scriptures: 1st Timothy 2:2: Which says “Pray for your leaders and those in authority.” 1st Timothy 2:1:Which says “ Exhort therefore that prayers is for all supplication, pray in intercession for all men.”
• Emmanuella Okasi
‘Mostly, I pray for my loved ones both far and near’

Yes, I always pray for people but mostly, I pray for my loved ones both far and near, because prayer is a way of inviting God to join you in life’s struggles. You invite the Holy Spirit to do what He was placed within you to do. Galatians 6:2
• Awaki Barnabas.
‘I pray for my family the most’

Prayer is talking to God and God speaking to us. We need to be very humble when we talk to our Father in heaven. Yes I pray for people. Philippians 4:6-7 states, “Be careful for nothing, but in everything by praying and supplication, with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” When I pray, I pray for people in general, because God has given us the mandate to pray for one another. We need ourselves, especially spiritually to make it in this life and life beyond. In Matthew 5:45. It is written, “But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”. Also in the Book of James 5:16.says ” Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is”. I specially pray for my family the most.
• Victoria Okefe
‘I pray for people who ask for prayers and those whom I know are facing some difficulties’

Praying for others is a kind of charity. What is prayer? Prayer is a channel of communication with God. Prayer is also a way of asking God for something for ourselves and others. We have different types of prayers which include intercessory, where we pray for others. I pray for people who ask for prayers and those whom I know are facing some difficulties, my friends, family and enemies. In Genesis 18:20-32, Abraham interceded for Sodom and Gomorrah to avoid destructions. In Exodus 32:11-12 Moses also interceded for the people of Israel and God withdrew his proposed punishment. The day I read these passages I realised the importance of praying for others as a kind of charity. I always pray more for my parents.
• Onuh Maximilian Uchechukwu
‘I pray for myself, my family and friends as well as the Catholic Church worldwide’

The book of Job 42:10 says “And the Lord turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before”. The Bible encourages us not to pray for ourselves alone but to pray for people around us like families, friends and those we know and those we do not know including our enemies. Likewise, I pray for myself, my family and friends. I do pray for the Catholic Church worldwide, the world needs peace and I pray for peace so that we all can be saved, while I receive more from God and God’s promises never fails.
• Gideon Eyinade
‘I pray for everyone, the sick and the souls of the faithful departed’

Yes, I pray for everyone and I also pray for the sick and the souls of the faithful departed. In Matthew 6:5-15, Jesus said that we should pray with the words he gave us and not like the hypocrite. Who do I pray for most? I pray for my family, friends, relatives, Pope, priest, catechist and the souls of the faithful departed. Prayer is the key, so we should pray always.
• Okwudinka Victoria
‘I pray for my mother, siblings and my Rev. Father the most; I equally pray for my beloved country’

Prayer is a means of communicating to God. God always listen to us whenever we pray and remember others in our daily prayers. Through prayer we understand God’s loving nature. The scripture teaches us that God is Love (1 John 4:8). I pray for my mother, siblings, my Rev. Father most. I equally pray for my beloved country Nigeria for peace and harmony of God to overshadow us, My lovely mother taught me how to pray, she never misses her morning Rosary. I learnt to pray for others through her, she will pray for the sick, aged, little children, travelers, Rev fathers and our Country Nigeria .I follow her footsteps in prayer. Through prayer I invite the Holy Spirit to bless, protect and provide for everyone and heal the sick. Prayer is good, pray ceaselessly.
• Chima Anita.O.
‘I pray against the kidnapping and killings of our Rev. Fathers’

I pray for my family and my friends. I pray for the poor people around me, so they can be in good health, have shelter and clothing, Matthew 6:6-8. I also pray against the kidnapping and killings of our Rev. Fathers, that God should protect them. The people I pray for most are my parents. I pray for God to bless and provide the resources needed for them to be able to take care of my brother and I. That’s the reason I pray for them the most.
• Blossom Akalezi
‘I pray for my parents, sick people especially those in the hospital and the needy mostly’

Yes, I always pray for people. The book of James tells us to confess our sins to each other and pray for each other so that we may be healed. James 5:16… The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Who do you pray for most? I pray for my parents, sick people especially those in the hospital and the needy mostly.
• Umennadi Francis Chibunna
‘Yes I pray for people because it is part of our duty as Christians’

Yes I pray for people because it is part of our duty as Christians I pray for the following people as the Bible encourages us to do so :
• One another according to James 5:16
• Priests(Clergy),Rev. Srs. (Religious) and Spiritual leaders – The Pope -Ephesians 6:19-20
• Everybody and the whole world- Tim. 2:1
• Ourselves
• The sick- James 5: 14-15
• Our enemies – Matthew 5:44.
• Political leaders – 1Tim 2:1-3
• Ebubechukwu Chinedu