It is not justifiable to break a promise you can’t possibly keep. Ordinarily, everyone should make promises they are capable of keeping. Doing the contrary is not right. Yet, most people, including governments and institutions break more promises than they keep. Trust erodes when promises are not kept, coupled with likely consequences that may have disastrous effects. As Christians, we should follow the examples of Christ and walk in His footsteps. Christ never breaks His promises. BETTY AMUKPO puts forward the views of some children. Excerpts:
‘It is better not to promise anything than to promise something and not do it’
My parents have taught me not to make promise I cannot keep because it will hurt the person, and that is bad. So, I don’t break promises so that it won’t lead me to sin and I am a happy child, for I want everyone around me to be happy. Ecclesiastes 5:5-6 says: “It is better not to promise anything than to promise something and not do it. Don’t let your words cause you to sin, and don’t say to the priest at the Temple, “I didn’t mean what I promised.” If you do, God will become angry with your words and will destroy everything you have worked for.

• Eyinade Gideon
Christ, in His Sermon on the Mount, said: “But let your yes be yes and your no, be no”
As a Child of God and a friend of Jesus, I try my best not to break promises I’ve made. It’s better not to make promises at all than to make and not keep it (Ecclesiastes 5:5). Christ, in His Sermon on the Mount, speaks directly to this issue when He said: “But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ be ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one” (Matthew 5:37). Dear friends, let’s pray for the grace to keep our promises so that we don’t get to be seen as liars.
• Gerald Anthony
‘No, I don’t break promises’
No, I don’t break promises. It is better not to promise anything than to promise something and not do it. Don’t let your words cause you to sin. If you do, God will become angry with you and will destroy everything you have worked for (Ecclesiastes 5:5-15).

• Umennadi Francis Chibunna
‘People break promises due to personality flaw’
People break promises due to personality flaw and it has consequences. Reasons why people break their promises are carelessness, commitment issues and unreachable expectations. How do you break promises? You break a promise by not looking for a way to honour the original intent of the promise. Matthew 5:33 states, “You have heard that it was said to our people long ago don’t break your promises but keep the promises you make to the Lord.” Ecclesiastes 5:5–6 states, “It is better not to make a vow than make one and not fulfill it.”

• Faith Ndukauba
‘Some people break promise due to forgetfulness’
Some people break their promise due to forgetfulness, and unknowingly they might hurt the person’s feeling . It may be due to over commitment. Don’t realise it’s consequence. Not motivated enough. Taking things for granted. Broken promises may lead to disrespect. This is backed by Biblical verses: – Ecclesiastes 5:5-15 – James 5:12 – Numbers 30:2 – Proverbs 19:5 – Ecclesiastes 5:4-5 – Psalm 89:34 – Proverbs 25:14

• Ojimmadu Sandra
‘Breaking promises negatively impact on relationships and integrity’
In some cases, a person may make promises they know they can’t keep, not because they don’t have respect for people but because they find it hard saying “no” to people. For others, they fail to keep their promises because they want to avoid appearing too dependent on other. However, regardless of why you or your friends break their promise, it can still negatively impact your relationships and integrity.

• Awaki Barnabas
‘A broken promise is a huge betrayal’
Don’t let your promise cause you to sin. Why do we break promises? Because:
• We cannot meet up with what we have promised.
• Unrealisable expectations.
• Differences in beliefs.
A broken promise is a huge betrayal. And when you break your promise, you are actually hurting yourself the more. When you promise not to steal, fight or disobey your parents and you end up breaking your promise, you feel hurt and ashamed of yourself. God’s promises in the Bible are so powerful. He does not break His promise or lie about His promises. In Numbers 23:19, it is written, “God is not like men, who lie, He is not a human who changes His mind. Whatever He promises, He does.” Some people make promises they know they can’t keep or fulfill, not because they don’t value, cherish or respect you, but because they have a rough time saying “No” to people. Matthew 5:33 warns, “Do not break your promises, but do what you have vowed to do.”

• Anita Chima