These words, “Do not be afraid” have been used severally in the Scriptures. This is because of the repercussions and consequences that come when we entertain fear in our lives for a longer time than necessary. The fact still remains that as humans, we have the tendency to become afraid, when faced with danger or unsuitable circumstances. It is part of human body mechanisms. It is this fear that propels us to take precaution or rather act fast to avert looming danger that our body senses. These are some examples that are common among us: It is the fear of being in lack that makes one work hard to become financially independent, the fear of being in a critical health condition, that makes one go to hospital for medical assistance or checkups, also fear can make someone obey rules, laws, and so on…
This, I suppose, is the reason why people go the extra mile to stop situations that can lead to fear. The truth here, still remains, that there are still circumstances that we can’t control, no matter how hard we try, that will still eventually usher in fear, whether instant or long time. Considering these instances I mentioned above, that brings us to our topic: “Do not be afraid”. The Lord is telling you and I not to be afraid, by letting us know in His words, how to handle fear when it comes. How to cope or lessen it, till it fades out, or how to eradicate it in an instant. I will be sharing some passages in the Bible where people like you and I, were able to fight and conquer “fear”, with the most effective method, which is communication with God; I call it prayer.
When Elijah was confronted with the fear of Jezebel in the book of 1 kings -19 :3, 8. He decided to run for his life to the extent that he embarked on a journey of forty days and nights to the mountain, mount Horeb, where he will encounter God. It was in that journey that God gave judgement against those that persecuted him, especially Jezebel, wife of king Ahab 1 kings 19:15-18. Now, you don’t have to go to mount Horeb or pilgrimage to holy places, like Jerusalem, when you don’t have the means to travel or visit such places. With the coming of Jesus Christ, to reconcile man to God, we have the privilege of having God live in us, individually, in the form of the Holy Spirit. In the book of John 4:21,23, Jesus said, verse 23- “But the hour is coming and indeed, is already here, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth, for that is the kind of worship the Father wants. God is spirit and those who worship God must worship in Spirit and in truth”.
What this passage of the Bible is telling you and I, is that we can actually worship God, talk to Him in the form of prayer, anywhere, anytime even, in our hearts. He is God, He is everywhere, at all times, Omnipresent in nature is our Almighty God. Another instance in the Bible, where fear was conquered through the help of God, is in the book of Isaiah 37:6-7 & 15-17, the detailed account of the story is in Isaiah 36:1-end to 37:1-end. Assyrians were judged at the end. God sent an Angel to destroy the Assyrians, 185,000 of them, that night, that was after Hezekiah the King of Judah prayed to the Lord, when confronted with fear of defeat, Isaiah 37:15-20. Furthermore, not quite long after the incident of Assyrians attack, did king Hezekiah fell mortally sick. When he was afraid that he would not make it, he started talking to God in prayer.
The Bible recorded that he turned his face to the wall in prayer and God answered him by adding an additional fifteen more years to his life, Isaiah 38:2,5-6. In the book of Maccabees 3:17- 18, 20, 22-30. The treasury of the temple was saved by God, when the people of God prayed, during the time of Onias the high priest. This event happened after the high priest and the people of God feared that Jerusalem, their temple would be attacked by Heliodorus and his king. The rest of the story is in the verses I wrote above. There are so many other instances in the Bible. The essence of giving these few examples, is to show us that fear is something that has been, still is and will continue to be, because it’s part of human nature. In as much as it’s part of human nature, we are advised severally not to be afraid.
In my own understanding, I will say not to entertain fear or rather, conquer the fear with words of God, instantly, so that it won’t degenerate to bigger fear that leads to high blood pressure, depression or other health related issues, which you and I don’t want. I suggest that we talk to God in prayer, when fear comes, like those I mentioned earlier from the bible. As you are praying, use the words of God. There are so many verses in the Bible that we can use and challenge fear. These are few of them: 1. “It is I Who command you, be strong, then, and be valiant. Do not tremble or be afraid, because the Lord, Your God is with you wherever you go “. Joshua 1:9. 2. “He answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them” 2 kings 6:16. 3. The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear? The Lord is the fortress of my life of whom should I be afraid? When the wicked rush at me to devour my flesh, it is they who stumble and fall Psalm 27:1-2. 4.
“God is our strength and protection, an ever-present help in affliction, we will not fear, therefore, though the earth be shaken and the mountains plunge into the deepest ocean, though its waters foam and roar and the mountains tremble at its surging. The Lord of Host is with us; The God of Jacob our stronghold” Psalm 46:1-3. 5. “But now, thus says the Lord, He Who created you. O Jacob, He Who formed you, of Israel: Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep you away. When you walk through fire, you will not be burned, nor will the flames consume you” Isaiah 43:1-2. 6. “The Lord will fight for you and all you have to do is keep still” Exodus 14:14. 7. “Touch not my anointed ones,” He warned, “do my prophets no harm!” Psalm 105:15. 8. “No weapon forged against you will succeed, and you will refute all who speak against you. Such is the lot of the servants of the Lord, and such is the right I grant them, says the Lord.” Isaiah 54:17.
Trust me, if we say these words of God, having faith that He will visit that situation, you will find out that the fear starts fading away, either immediately or gradually. Friends, let us say these words of God, meditating on them, will help us maintain positive mindset, when it comes to fear, — Hebrew 13:6, “And so we shall confidently answer, The Lord is my helper, I will not fear. What can man do to me?” Also, in Romans 8:15, “Fear no more! You did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you received a spirit of sonship, and by the spirit ‘s power we cry out to God, “Abba, Father?” In addition to all I have discussed with you in this my writings, is that, as long as you love God, have faith in Him alone, pray, I mean talking to God as your best friend and Loving Father, that He is, making sure your hands are clean from sin and iniquity.
Then remember these verse, Romans 8::28, “We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love Him, whom He Has called according to His plan”. God Has called all of us since baptism. I conclude with Philippians 4:4, “Rejoice in the Lord always, I say it again, rejoice, and may everyone experience your gentle and understanding heart. The Lord is near, do not be anxious about anything. In everything, resort to prayer and supplication, together with Thanksgiving and bring your requests before God. Then the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will keep your heart and minds in Christ Jesus “. May God help all of us in Jesus Name, Amen.
Benefits of conquering fear
1.You tend to stay focused on God regardless of what the situation is.
2. You become happier with yourself and others.
3. Peace of God will envelope you, inside out.
4. Productivity becomes imminent in what you do.
5. Some health-related issues will be avoided or minimised, at times eradicated.
6. And much more….
Prayer: Father Almighty, I have come to you for mercy. Forgive me all my sins and look upon me with compassion. Help me Lord, to conquer my fears and give me the grace to always remember that you are with me all the time. Thank You Abba Father for answered prayers, for in Jesus Name I have prayed. Amen. Shalom!
• Chioma Nwodo writes from Catholic Church of Visitation, FESTAC Town.